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  1. Hi All! A little about myself since I haven't posted on here before, I am Ashley, a 30 year old from Arizona who has been cruising mostly with my parents (and grandparents before they passed) but sometimes solo, with friends, and with groups since I was 9 months old. I have mostly done Royal Caribbean but I have also done some Celebrity and Princess as well as one each of Holland America, NCL, and Carnival (we don't talk about those, there is a reason it was one each). Anyways, all that to say I am very loyal to Royal with nearly 80 Royal Caribbean cruises under my belt. When I am not cruising, I am a full time software engineer to pay for my cruising habit. And now for some history on this cruise.... my parents and I first booked this itinerary for October of 2021 in the summer of 2020. Heck, we also booked cruises in June of 2020 when our May cruise was canceled, August when June was cancelled, November when August was cancelled, so on so forth, you get the idea. Fast forward to summer of 2021 and well over 40 FCCs later, the restart was finally happening and the final payment due date for this cruise was quickly approaching. There we still a lot of unknowns about Israel and what the covid requirements would be to go there and as that was the main reason we booked that cruise (more on that later...), after a family meeting we cancelled it and I spent 2 weeks in October on the Symphony of the Seas with a friend (and my parents ultimately joining for the second cruise after some convincing) instead where I finally earned pinnacle after waiting the entire restart only a little more than 1 cruise away (I promise, I am not a snotty pinnacle, I refuse to wear the pin and prefer to go with the flow instead). With that I had finally made it back on a ship for the first time since January 2020 but I still hadn't made it to holy lands. Fast forward again to February 2023 when my parents were on the Celebrity Beyond celebrating their 40th anniversary without me (to quote Stephanie Tanner: how rude... not, they deserved the vacation without me and they had their neighbors with them to take my place, also I am pretty sure my work would have killed me if I took another cruise at that point). Before they headed out on their cruise, I looked at the itineraries released just a couple months before for Europe in 2024 and found this one, and made the mistake of emailing my parents with the details. It didn't take much convincing that we had to book this cruise. A week later, after a lot of back and forth with them and the future cruises agent on Celebrity Beyond, we finally got this booked and everything confirmed. Note to my future self and really everyone reading this: never book Royal on Celebrity, while we have successfully booked Celebrity on Royal before with no issues, this was a nightmare to say the least, the on-board agent had no clue what the different cabin categories were and after pleading with her that Odyssey had J1s, J3s, and J4s and they were all Junior Suites, she was finally able to find more than just the J1s available. With the cruise finally booked, let's talk about why we wanted to do it: Israel. My mom and I are Jewish and my mom has always wanted to go to the holy land but has said she would never do it by land, she just didn't feel comfortable due to some experiences her parents/my grandparents had when they went. And similar to me, she loves cruising. So this seemed like the perfect solution. I had also unfortunately aged out of birthright during Covid as a result of them changing the age policy during that time so this would give me a taste of Israel to see if I wanted to join a volunteer trip or something else in the future. When June 2023 arrived and the flights opened up to book, there wasn't a doubt in our minds that we were going on this cruise. Before booking the flights we had a family meeting and I made one important note to my parents: If this cruise doesn't go to Israel, are you still ok with going for the other ports? They both said yes. My mom has always wanted to go to Santorini since watching Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants so while it was not Israel, there would still be something on her bucket list to cross off. Even though the itinerary at the time didn't have Ephesus, Turkey on it, we knew it was likely this would appear if Israel was removed and my dad wanted to see the House of the Virgin Mary after missing the opportunity to see it while on the Splendour of the Seas in 2000. After that discussion, our flights were booked and we started making hotels and other plans for the trip including booking excursions for every port except Israel since conveniently none were open for Israel and also I knew if we did make it there, we would want to do a private tour so we could cover both the Christian and Jewish heritage there adequately. Once again, let's fast forward this time to November 2023. Unfortunately, we all know what happened on October 7th. The days that followed made it very obvious that this was sadly not like other times Israel had been attacked. They were not getting out of this quickly. We received the not at all surprising email that this itinerary was changing. Out was Israel and in was Turkey, as I unfortunately predicted, along with Mykonos. After yet another family meeting (I think this is at least the 3rd one in this story, sensing a theme here...) we unanimously decided we were still going, barring any crazy world event. It was full steam ahead and I finally decided to start planning the tours for our pre-cruise stay in Rome. We also booked an excursion for Mykonos through the ship and I left my dad to figure out Ephesus himself. I still don't think he has that planned, you can tell who is the planner and who isn't in this family. Now let's fast forward to February 2024. It was Super Bowl Sunday and I had plans to go to the Phoenix Open with my dad in the corporate tents on the 17th hole. Instead, I got woken up by a call at 6am with news that my mom had passed out just before midnight the night before and they were in the ER room at Mayo Hospital. This cruise was far from the first thing on my mind, I wanted to know how my mom was doing, what had happened, if there was anything they needed as the hospital is less than a mile from my house, I can literally see it from my backyard. In the weeks that followed, and what seemed like hundreds of doctors appointments, a couple dental appointments, and a surgery later, we finally brought up this cruise again. Her doctor's gave her the all clear to go, they just warned that we had to be careful, she couldn't over exert herself. Another family meeting and the swapping of tours later to some less strenuous ones, we were once again on track for this cruise to happen. Now finally we have made it to today. We fly out in a little more than 2 weeks on the evening of 4/30. We finally settled on a hotel for our one night post cruise in Rome before flying home so the last thing is planned. As many hurdles as this cruise had and the amount of times we thought this wouldn't happen, we are looking forward to it finally happening, even if it is a little different than originally planned. I am just grateful that we are all still here to enjoy this as a family. I have never done a live blog of a cruise before. Not here and also not on that other cruise board that shall not be named. Something about this cruise feels different, while I hope this isn't my last big European adventure with my parents, I know there is a chance that will be the case so I really want to remember this and document it. Not only are my parents getting older, I am also getting older and who knows what will come for my future as well. While we have plenty more cruises planned as a family out of the US to the Caribbean as well as the Mexican riviera on the west coast, I don't know that I will have a trip like this as a family once again. I promise my future posts won't be as much of a novel. There was a lot of backstory to cover and I hope I at least made it interesting to read. In the coming days I will start to talk about our plans for both pre-cruise and on the cruise but figured it made sense to start with the back story first. Since I have never done this before, not sure how to end these, I am sure I will figure that out better as I go. So for this one I guess I should say TTYL!
  2. Before I begin, let me say that Odyssey is a beautiful ship and -- more importantly -- the service and staff are excellent. Our cruise last week had the best service and easily the best food of any Royal ship I've been on. I can't stress this enough. After several cruises lamenting the quality of MDR service and food quality, and the freshness of food in the Windjammer, everything on this cruise was fantastic. That aside, I've never before been disappointed by a ship on Royal -- and our group (all of us veteran cruisers) was continually underwhelmed by Odyssey's design. You wonder what happened during development of the Quantum Ultra ships that they totally missed the mark after killing it with the Oasis Class. I've been on Wonder, Symphony, Freedom, and Mariner, and I felt even the Freedom & Mariner were superior in so many ways. Quantum boats were developed after Oasis Class but they didn't include Central Park, Boardwalk (+ carousel & Abyss), Aqua Theater, or skating rink -- yet they basically added nothing to replace them. The elevators. OMG The no-touch buttons are a disaster. Of the 50 elevator rides I took during the week, I think I can count on one hand the times I got in and there weren't at least 2 or 3 buttons hit with no one getting off. You couldn't get within 2 feet of the panel without accidentally hitting a button. It was a joke among every passenger on the ship. I get that it's a COVID thing, but Wonder doesn't have this issue. The SeaPlex is a cool room but the big mistake was removing the sports court and skating rink, etc., and thinking the SeaPlex could handle everything. The sports court on every ship I've ever been on is in constant use by kids playing soccer or basketball. But because of the lack of other venues, every time kids would go out to play, within 30 minutes they were kicking everyone off for bumper cars, laser tag, adult sports tournaments, pickleball lessons. It was crazy. You had a boat FULL of kids on spring break and every time they started having fun they'd shut the court down for an adult 3-on-3 basketball tournament and leave all the kids with nothing to do. No waterslides. I realize not everyone cares about waterslides, but at this point they've been an expectation on all ships and cruise lines for 15 years. It's odd that they felt waterslides were unimportant enough to build Quantum class with none and then do a total 180 and decide they're so important that Icon needed SIX. They seem to have sacrificed them for the North Star, which is gimmicky, limited to a small % of passengers, and a clear effort to replace something free with something that drives $$$. The 270 Theater that essentially replaces the skating rink and Aqua Theater is terribly underutilized. We were on the boat for 6 days and never had a reason to go there. In general, I had the overwhelming sense that the amazing job Royal has done with crowd control on other ship classes was totally missed here. I've never felt crowded on a ship, but Odyssey is full of overcrowded venues (SeaPlex and Esplanade, particularly) and they totally screwed up the Windjammer. Half the seating is way in the back far away from the buffets, and as a result the WJ always felt crowded. There are buffet stations in the back but they were never open, even during the busiest of breakfasts, etc. Again, staff, service, food, cleanliness -- all excellent. But Royal totally missed the boat, so to speak, on ship design here. If not for the food I'd go on Mariner 10x again before I'd go Quantum class. Just my opinion
  3. According to the Le Havre port authority, Odyssey of the Seas will be sailing out of Southampton from May 2025. Anyone else seen anything confirming this.? Link here. https://www.havre-port.com/fr/liste/2077/escales-croisieres
  4. Hi all, I am travelling on the Odyssey of the seas in September and I was wondering if anyone who has travelled on this vessel before knows much about the TV's. I know some of the newer ships you can cast to the TV or you can take a stick and remote with you to change it to that to watch films. I am just trying to figure out what I need to take with me to watch any movies at night for quiet time without having to pay for internet. Thanks in advance.
  5. First time visiting Greece, Turkey, and Italy. Looking for suggested shore excursions and how to make the most of our time! Traveling with two teenagers- 16 and 14.
  6. We are sailing on Odyssey of the Sea for a 7 night Greek Isle cruise out of Rome in July and I am thinking of doing Oia on your own or Fira on your own. The Fira on your own starts at 4:30 and I don't want to start that late. Oia starts at 1:30. I am not sure what time we arrive or leave port that day. I will be traveling with a 13, and 16 year old, my husband, and my 78 year old mother. So we have a variety of interests, but we are all capable of walking (maybe not the whole path between the towns). Any suggestions on which would be better or if we should do one on our own? Thank you
  7. Trying to figure out what menu will be served each night in the MDR so we can plan/reserve specialty restaurants. Can anyone confirm/correct this, especially on night 4? I called RCCL and they could not tell me what menu would be presented each night. Night 1: Welcome Aboard Night 2: French Night / Formal Night 3: Caribbean Night Night 4: Italian, Mediterranean, or British Night Night 5: Royal Night / Formal Night 6: Bon Voyage Night
  8. Is anyone on the odyssey of the seas and able to pick me up a ship model I got home and realized the North Star was broken I will pay for the ship and shipping thanks!!!!!!
  9. Hi everyone, My future husband and I booked back-to-back cruises in April for a 2-week honeymoon, so excited! It’ll be my first and his second time cruising so no idea what to expect. My questions are: 1. What are ways to make a cruise extra romantic and special for this occasion? I’ve heard from friends around my age (late 20s) who’ve gone on cruises that most of the guests they saw were either older or families, and I would love to meet other couples if possible. I’m also concerned since we’re going around spring break time that the attractions are going to be crowded with more kids and not as enjoyable. 2. Does RC have any “romance packages” like other cruise lines or a substitute? Couldn’t find one online. 3. Are they any attractions on Odyssey of the seas you’d especially recommend? We’re open to trying anything! Thanks and happy cruising, Emzee
  10. Hi! First time poster long time reader. Has anyone ever taken the NYE cruise on the Odyssey? My husband and I leave on Dec 30 for the 9 night south Caribbean, w/Perfect Day. I'm curious about activities and theme nights that they may have. If anyone has taken this cruise in the past, even if not for New Year's, I would love some insight, tips, or advice. Thanks!
  11. I wasn't planning to live blog this one but with all the FUD about cruising right now I thought I better clear the cruising record. FUD is Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt and there is plenty of FUD being tossed around social media with respect to cruising. Consequently this not live blog is from the ship as we return on the final sea days on our way back to Port Everglades. I didn't start out taking pictures and documenting everything with the intent to present it here so bear with me as I hobble together something to represent this cruise and to set the record straight. It's still a great time to cruise. The "enhanced" mask policy has had zero impact to me as a universal mask hater but I know the rules and I am following them. This is an eight night Southern Caribbean itinerary with a great blend of sea days and awesome ports. Day 1 - Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale embarkation Day 2 - Nassau Day 3 - Sea Day Day 4 - Sea Day Day 5 - Aruba Day 6 - Curaçao Day 7 - Sea Day Day 8 - Sea Day Day 9 - Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale debarkation Let's start with a cabin tour of an obstructed balcony cabin on deck 7. Obstructed balconies are a great way to enjoy a balcony while benefiting from a discount for living with an obstruction. On Quantum class ship the most common form of obstruction in the balcony category comes from the lifeboats and the towers that support the lifeboats (davits). Many (but not all) deck 6 and deck 7 balcony cabins are of the obstructed form but they are not all equally obstructed. By carefully picking the cabin location including choosing deck 7 the obstruction is not as significant. And now the moment you've all been waiting for... I present... the obstruction: Yep, that's it. That's several hundred dollars off the price of the cruise but YMMV. The rest of the cabin is the same as any other balcony cabin on the ship. And for the icing on the cake this is a connecting balcony cabin. However the connecting door on this class, at least in this cabin, is near the main entrance door and it seals very well. I've not heard a peep from the young college aged kids next door. By placing the connecting door here it doesn't impact the sofa or desk or any other aspect of the cabin.
  12. Can we as a community maybe put together an identification of the different Junior Suites on the Odyssey? Calling Royal does not help, their room descriptions do not help. J1, J3. J4 I know equate to berths but the bathroom descriptions are what I would like to feel positive about, arriving at my chosen or assigned cabin I want to avoid a surprise. Is there a tub? Is there a shower? Are there 2 toilets on either side or just one? I was going to book a J1 because I love the aft but it looks like the corner J1 with the large balcony only has one bath, is this the same for the centrally located J1? Thanks everybody! I'm so confused.
  13. Hello all! My family and I are going on Odyssey of the Seas in July. Being our first cruise, as you can imagine we are a bit stressed about the whole thing. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with landing at Ciampino and travelling from there to Civitavecchia. My main question is how long after landing should I book check in? I'm not sure how long it should take to leave the airport but know the drive by taxi can take anywhere from 1 to 1.5 hours. Thanks in advance!
  14. im having a hard time finding all inclusive beach resorts and Georgetown and falmouth for my odyssey of the seas cruise on 4/2/23. im looking for something like maya chan. LFK. paradise beach cozumel. any and all info is appreciated! thank you for your time. bmena
  15. In this thread I'll post pictures of some of the entertainment on Odyssey of the Seas. First up, Showgirl! Showgirl! Past. Present. Future. is a powerful Royal Caribbean original entertainment production that can be found on a couple of Royal Caribbean ships. Other ships have a slightly different Showgirl! variation based on the technology and production equipment available on each ship. Since Odyssey is the newest ship at the moment she has all the cranes, hoists, variable stage lifts and other technology to really make this production shine. I've seen the show before and enjoyed other variations on different ships but the current cast on Odyssey of the Seas is really spectacular. In preparation for sailing Odyssey of the Seas a 3rd time I reached out to Royal Caribbean to seek permission to take photos of the entertainment on board. While some shows do have photography and/or video restrictions, Showgirl! just asks for no flash photography. Here are some of the photos from the November 15 sail date with none other than Nick Weir himself in attendance. Nick is the Senior Vice President of Entertainment for the entire Royal Caribbean Group including all brands within the group. This show was created by Nick and his very talented team.
  16. After reading many wonderful cruise blogs on this site, I decided to be a follower and write my own. With me being too excited about this vacation, I need more people to talk about it. So, let’s go! Parties Involved: My best friend, Kiesha & I (Ashley Joy) Ship: Odyssey of the Seas Cabin: Virtual Balcony Dates: Monday, November 15 - Saturday, November 20 Ports: CocoCay & Labadee (at least, it is still on the itinerary) Reason: Celebrating 25 years of friendship, but do you really need a reason to cruise?! Cruise History: Kiesha did a Royal Caribbean cruise about a decade ago in a Balcony I went on a Symphony in April 2019 in a Virtual Balcony, which works with my irrational fear of heights and losing objects overboard. It was my only cruise to date, but I left addicted!!!!! Backstory: This trip has been a long time coming. I would always say, “Kiesha, we hardly ever vacation together.” When we met our freshman year of college, we used to take trips all the time. As real adults, we have gone on a couple of long weekend adventures. This past June, I had just returned from vacation and was needing another vacation (why is it always like that?!) so, I was researching the Royal Caribbean website. Luck would have it, I found a: great cruise itinerary set of dates that would work decent price new ship my favorite type of cabin I asked Kiesha to join me. She only had one question, “is it Royal Caribbean?” I said, “is there any other cruise line?” The next day I reached out to Caroline at MEI. Now, we only have 50 days to go! I told you I am too excited to not have anyone to regularly talk about this trip. To keep things interesting, my doctor and I decided this a great time to have surgery. In about ten days, it will be operation day. The cruise will be six weeks into a seven week recovery plan. I am thankful that my doctor believes my only underlying issue will be tiredness.
  17. I'm starting this thread so we can post updates here on new sailings before November which I believe are about to be published soon. So far, no changes have been made on the Royal website.
  18. If I am reading things right, in order to sail with children 12 and older they must be vaccinated? Okay, so is the company going to refund my four after this date sailings? My daughter is 15 and while vaccination isn't off the table we want to wait for additional education before we give her this vaccine, so clearly our sailing 01 August 2021 is a no go. I paid with my FCC's please, will they be issuing refunds now? As an adult I am vaccinated, but I want to do my due diligence not be forced into something before I am ready. Thoughts? Anyone in the same boat here? @Matt am I understanding this correctly?? @Sharla what now?
  19. Royal Caribbean will have at least 6 cruise ships definitely sailing this summer. I am very interested to see how many people have booked the different cruise options available for this summer.
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