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Everything posted by jce2

  1. O.K. so I guess I have a new pet peeve.....people who posts pictures of delicious looking drinks in their blogs without identifying what it is!! Just kidding of course, loved reading the blogs and appreciate the effort put into them, but Matt....What the heck is it? I am referring to the drink shot shortly after you describe your daughters swim lesson. It looks wonderful though I actually suspect it is going to win up being a drink I dont like (not a big fan of the "tropical" flavors (ie. pineapple, coconut etc.)
  2. My first computer class was my senior year in high school. We didn't even have a computer, just a closet with a couple of punchcard machines. we would punch out our decks, our teacher would drop them off at the university on his way home and pick up the fan-fold output the next day on his way to school. Yup! could take 24 hours to find out you misplaced a comma!!
  3. A bit mis-leading subject title. There is in fact a refund. In fact, from the sounds of it, there are several options for refunds. What is true is that you cant simply get a refund and walk away. form what I have read on the various other cruises effected this season , this seems pretty normal. My question would be how the 50% cruise credit works? 50% of the cost of this current cruise or 50% of the cruise I take next? I could see this as a real wind-fall. I still go on a cruise now (though shortened) then turn around and book a more extravagant cruise (like Alaska with a balcony!)
  4. We will be on Liberty so no free-style. We shouldn't need much in the way of carry-ons so maybe my son and I will pack our backpacks with juice/ice. My wife had a stomach reduction and "ice" is all she drinks.
  5. I just wish they had a "juice" card. I am buying the soda package for three youth on our cruise (okay, young adults), but the 4th doesn't drink sodas. But to get her a package that weould allow for juice would be the equivalent of buying 3(!) soda packages! I just told her I would buy her juices whenever she likes. I am also going to try to get Wal-mart in Galveston to sell me an unopened case of "ice" and stick a luggage tag on it. If I am successful my wife will be very happy. If not, I will only be out the price of the case (also packing propel powder in case the "ice" trick doesn't work). ("Ice" is a lightly carbonated zero calorie flavored water).
  6. I am in Colorado too! I assumed Guinness is available at least in Hoof & Claw as they have a mixed drink that involves Guinness (Dublin Ice Tea I believe). Still, plenty of drinks I want to try and as long as Jack and Captain are available I am set! (just keep those tropical drinks away from me!)
  7. I continue to be disappointed by the complete lack of dark beers but am adding that Hennessy Black Bull to my list of drinks to try!
  8. Blows my mind! I have been programming computer systems since 1975 (punch cards) and at one time was the big guy on the block because I splurged and had 48 K in my TRS 80. Terns like Megabyte and Gigabyte were unheard of....and now they sell terrabyte hard drives in the BX!
  9. Fortunately I just bought a 256 GB phone so I should be able to store everything on my trip with no worries. (I actually bought the phone with the cruise in mind!)
  10. Looks like St. Kitt is the replacement for Thomas and Martin
  11. And I don't believe your set sail passes has anything to do with your airline!
  12. 1/2 shot of baileys, 1/2 shot of Irish whiskey, together in single shot glass. Drop shot into pint of Guiness. I have never actually had one but my daughter makes a cupcake based on it with Guinness in the cupcake mix, a Jaimason Whiskey ganashe center, and baileys buttercreme icing!
  13. Is there any way to get those Chicken stuffed jalepenos with bacon wrap withOUT a reservation at Sabors?
  14. I wonder of I dare ask for an "Irish Car Bomb"....
  15. Most of these drinks sound totally unappealing to me, but I am looking forward to trying some of the beer augmented drinks at the Hoof & Claw, especially the Boston Ice Tea Party and the Dublin Iced Tea (neither of which actually involves tea!)
  16. The problem with waiting for the Black Friday sale, is the "experiment" on Harmony ends on the 18th (before Black Friday) so it is possible that shortly after the18th, RCL will implement the "all in cabin must buy" policy before any Black Friday sale
  17. The break-outs are kind of wierd1 On the picture Matt shows there seems to be a Voom/Deluxe bundle. For my cruise the bundle is Voom/Soda. Too bad, I would have bought the other bundle in a heart-beat
  18. Makes sense. I checked the Liberty July 16th one which is the latest one for the Western Caribbean cruise. For me the ISSUU to PDF trick worked last ngiht so I am set for now
  19. So first you ruin my day by teling me the Deluxe isn't on sale.....then say "Have a lovely LaborDay"????
  20. Weird! I am not seeing the arrow
  21. rjac, there are no easy ways. The Alas, there are no easy ways. The best I can suggest is to use something like "snipping tool" (built into windows) or "snapshot" to do screen captures then print the resulting pictures
  22. I would be a happy camper indeed if I could get that sale!
  23. I don't know....somehow saving over $200 by rebooking during the last sale sounds like a sale to me!
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