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Everything posted by smokeybandit

  1. https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2021/06/01/italy-coronavirus-reinfection-rare-study/7201622226074/ https://www.news-medical.net/news/20210428/Recovered-COVID-19-patients-show-signs-of-long-term-immunity.aspx https://gizmodo.com/good-news-natural-immunity-to-the-coronavirus-may-last-1846008252
  2. There was one recent study where researchers studied pre-covid blood samples of kids and found antibodies that would work against covid. More research into that might help explain why kids are much less affected
  3. The biggest kicker in the vaccine mandate debate is that more and more studies are showing that natural immunity from recovering from covid is just as good a the vaccine. I know the CDC allows for a 90 day window prior to a cruise, those who have recovered from covid in the last 90 days is becoming less and less
  4. Right now I have "pre cruise sale" prices that are all 20% higher than the regular prices.
  5. I'd happily read 10 blogs from those onboard
  6. https://cruise.blog/2021/06/live-celebrity-millennium-onboard-and-unmasked
  7. There are also people who cannot wear masks for health reasons, too. Granted, the combination of those folks and folks that can't get the vaccine is probably 1-2 staterooms per ship.
  8. I would have no problem going on an unvaccinated cruise
  9. I highly doubt mask rules on these cruises will be anywhere near as strict as the Singapore rules
  10. Kids will get a test during the "health screening" during check-in
  11. I think a lot of it is posturing for future CDC rule changes.
  12. Also, "I'm still not comfortable that these cruises will actually sail"
  13. More detail. Indy is a 4 nighter Today we received a green light from the CDC for simulated voyages on Mariner of the Seas August 11 to 13 and Independence of the Seas August 1 to 5.
  14. I'm sure something will leak out over the next couple weeks, but they haven't outright announced capacity. The CSO doesn't list any capacity limits, but only that they reserve the right to reduce capacity
  15. For the mixed vax cruises, yes RC will have a challenge to identify the vaxed and the vaxed-not.
  16. Who defines what a crowded setting is? 1000-1500 on a ship that can handle nearly 4000, I can't see too many crowded spots. Every adult will be vaccinated, anyway. I'm sure there will be some question on if someone's 15 vs 16, or later 11 vs 12, but, probably not high on their concern list.
  17. I just hope they aren't strict on kids not wearing masks indoors. But we got the "will there be transportation from the Hilton to the pier" question answered to the affirmative. It says you can purchase airport pre-and post-cruise transportation on the cruise planner, which I don't see. Just the post-cruise sightseeing tour with airport drop off. Looks like no priority check-in line for those eligible. But with the staggered times and reduced capacity that shouldn't be a big deal. Debarkation details will be given later
  18. She also hinted that they're trying to get some tweaks to the vaccination rules. "We're hopeful that we'll be able to further evolve and see these [kind of inaudible, she may have said in a stutter "the CDC"] guidelines that will allow, especially families sailing under 12, to sail? Q: Will those under 12 be allowed on board? A: We're still working with the CDC on that and optimistic we'll be able to welcome them
  19. Automatically getting put on a brand new ship at no extra cost. Oh the horror!
  20. Sorry, I'm a government contractor. A simple Yes or No always gets met with "but what about..." so I can't just give yes or no ?
  21. Yes, which is why (so far) all their American cruises (other than Alaska) need test cruises first.
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