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Everything posted by JeffB

  1. If you're suggesting the cruise lines might sue the US government for damages in a tort claim, that's nearly impossible. Parties can sue the US government under what is called the FTCA (Federal Tort Claims Act) passed in 1946 but certain rules have to be followed and conditions met. It's complicated and I don't think the cruise lines would be able to cross the high bar to file a claim. Parties can sue the US government and it's agencies for injunctive relief and that's what Desantis did over a year ago. Even though it appears that the CDC dodged being called to account for exceeding their authority granted to it by Congress (those maritime laws are also complex), the 3rd Court where Desantis filed his request for injunctive relief (from the CSO) stands. Judge Merryday, sitting on the bench of the 3rd District Court of Middle FL, wrote an opinion that just hammered HHS/CDC for acting unconstitutionally as if it were a law making body, instead of the administrative one it is. That will serve as precedent in the rather narrow application of the various maritime laws that the CDC claimed authorized them to issue the NSO in March, 2020 and the CSO a year later. Functionally, Judge Merryday's ruling stands. That's because, as a result of CDC asking the 11th Court of Appeals to dismiss their own appeal, HHS is prevented from shutting down whole industries or companies within them under the guise of a PHE going forward. For Desantis, mission accomplished.
  2. I can't help but believe a lot of legal maneuvering went on behind the scenes. That the 11th apparently never heard oral arguments from the two sides indicates motions were filed by both to delay. Finally, with the CSO never legally enforceable, HHS filed a motion to dismiss...... granted (happily). This tale is a good example of the courts holding the two sides accountable to iron out their differences and I'd say they did. The Merryday ruling from the 3rd was, quite frankly, a gun to the head of HHS. In the end though, the CDC never admitted, nor did the courts find conclusively, that they didn't have the authority to issue the CSO. The cruise industry re-started under what was more-or-less an acknowledgement that much of the guidance published in the CSO was a good way to prevent a repeat of March 2020. A win-win. The big win for the cruise industry was probably that they were able to sidestep much of the onerous administrative burdens - the paper work - voluminously detailed in the order. A smaller, but nevertheless important win for the CDC, is that the cruise industry followed most of the health regulations and protocols on their own (the Healthy Sail Panel recommendations widely adapted) and it turned out they worked pretty well.
  3. A while back, one of our posters noted that FEDEX has terrible service. Several others posted that the problems seem to stem from the "pulling" of a shipping label by the distributor and then the actual pick-up of the package by FEDEX - which may be days latter. Once the package is in the hands of FEDEX, things seem to go smoothly. Your experience, SpicyCherry, would seem to support that view. Iv'e found that both FEDEX and UPS seem to have their acts together (once the have the package, with USPS working hard to catch up from behind. Overall, considering all things, delivery entities are doing a decent job.
  4. A potentially less costly option for you: You can get a Rapid Antigen test outside the terminal and before you enter it at your designated time to check in and board. The testing is being done by contracted vendors approved by RCL. The test is performed by qualified personnel, results are available in 15-30 minutes and you carry in a hard copy page that has the result with the required information on it. The cost is $105 per test - about what you would pay if you walked into a pharmacy based health clinic (e.g., Minute Clinic) and paid cash for an AG (not NAAT/PCR/molecular). This link should take you right to the scheduling page for Mariner out of Port Canaveral. I looked and there are plenty of spots available: https://covlc.gomeyra.cloud/services/tests?pageNumber=1&pageLength=15&locationId=73 Good luck.
  5. Here's the thing..... aside from previous research over a year old that suggests a post COVID infected person can test positive by PCR test for months after symptomatically clearing the COVID infection, more recent studies of Omicron reveal that your maximum period of infectiousness occurs between days 3 and 5.5. you'll continue to carry virions but in decreasing numbers with less infectiousness following that through day 9. At that point, most people will sufficiently clear viral particles and test negative by AG testing. Molecular testing is another story. The CDC is still pushing the most infectious period following exposure to COVID is 1-3 days. Thus, cruisers doing a 48h pre-boarding antigen test in the Omicron environment may have an insufficient viral load to produce a positive test result. Molecular tests that include the PCR tests are more sensitive (lower threshold to pop positive) and likely to pick up an Omicron COVID infection at days 1-3. There also appears to be gradations of the appearance of the positive pink line on typical COVID AG tests below the control line that correlate with viral load - the darker the line indicating infection, the higher the viral load = higher potential for the infected person to spread virions by aerosolization. To be clear, studies are demonstrating that yes, after 5d, most Omicron produced C19 infections resolve and you'll feel better. Sometimes this happens surprisingly quickly, like waking up the day after you felt terrible feeling fine. You are also not usually infectious on days 6-9 even though you may show increasingly feint positives on the AG card through day 9. The CDC has been criticised for not recommending testing before leaving isolation on day 5. Part of that recommendation was political, part of it science. So, yeah, having become infected with Omicron, you're not infectious days 6-9, may still test positive but won't be spreading virions becasue your viral load is too low. 95% of the time you'll test negative by AG test on day 10. Longer by molecular testing but for most, you're not spreading virions. This may be the cause of increased outbreaks aboard cruise ships with Omicron as opposed to Delta and previous variants..... people are legitimately pre-board testing negative by AG test, feel fine, have no symptoms, board and become infectious on days 3 to 4.5, maybe or maybe not developing symptoms. I'm not advocating for molecular testing as a pre-boarding COVID screening tool. I believe that would cause more problems than solve them. There will be leakers with Omicron produced COVID19 regardless of testing strategies. Cruise lines have successfully relied upon a multi-tiered strategy to prevent outbreaks - namely requiring vaccinations, masks when viral prevalence increases, isolation and contact tracing of the infected. So far so good but this relies upon guests being super attentive to URI symptoms. For vaxed guests, these include a sense of being mildly ill (your immune system battling the virus and why you feel that way), raspy/sore throat, runny nose and sneezing. Cough is apparently not a prevalent C19 symptom in the Omicron environment. Report to medical and seek testing. Do your part even though your cruise is scuttled if your positive. Other guests and crews will appreciate that
  6. I've had good results with eMed on three occasions that I've used them. eMed is an Abbott Lab's distribution vendor under contract with Abbott Labs. Still, the stories being posted here about shipping mess-ups after the ordering process is disturbing. I just sent this to Abbott Labs. You can add your own experiences. A flood of these may get Abbott's attention. I'm writing on behalf of a community of Royal Caribbean cruise ship enthusiasts. Our forum members are posting a disturbing number of problems with eMed shipping delays and receipt of Abbott BinaxNow proctored (Telehealth) AG test kits with only 3 months until they are expired. We understand the demand levels from customers you may be dealing with at the moment but I'm asking you to look into eMeds practice of shipping almost expired test kits. That's a questionable business practice that I doubt you would approve of. Thank you for your attention to this problem our group is experiencing. A positive response would help restore our confidence in Abbott Labs, its partnership with eMed and the job they are doing distributing your proctored COVID test products. We rely on the timely receipt of them and trust that those tests we do receive from eMed will have expiration dates that are at least 9 months from the date they are ordered. Here's a link to Abbott: https://www.molecular.abbott/us/en/about-us/contact?s=t NB: the link is to Abbott Molecular but it is going to be seen by someone that may refer it to Abbott employees who deal with the Abbot Rapid AG test products. I couldn't find a similar link for that specific product. Best I could do.
  7. Reasonable ....... I'd really like to see the current administration hit a home run with this program and getting the logistics right is key. If there has been advance procurement and stock-piling of home tests, it could happen. I'll speculate that the reason it is so hard to find the Abbott BinaxNow products is that Abbott is busy manufacturing and then selling them to the US government. I posted some stuff on the government program incidentally in another related thread. Here's the link if you haven't seen it yet. t's got some good info and links in it on the free COVID tests program:
  8. I have a ton of sympathy for Canadians who want to cruise. Your health authorities have made it nearly impossible for you to travel from Canada to a US cruise port and then return without serious risks that you won't be able re-enter your home country. There's been multiple symposia among health experts advising the travel and leisure industries that call for uniform rules for international boarder crossings, travel vaccine checks, and pre-entry testing. Has anything come from this, like, you know, cooperation between countries that have an interest in their own tourism economies? Nope. Sad. If there is one lesson that should be learned in 27 months of enduring the pandemic it is this: Mitigation measures that severely limit personal mobility and social interaction are not going to significantly stem the spread of SARS-CoV2. Importantly they will crush parts of the economies of nations imposing them and impose huge social/mental health costs. Its clear to me that few nations have analyzed the benefits of mitigation measures compared to their costs. Frustrating.
  9. Your is a tricky situation that should be more specifically addressed by RCL. It's not. Unanswered questions for you involve which, if any, monitored (proctored) COVID AG tests available to you in the UK are acceptable for pre-boarding health checks. I think Natalfaz's take above (test in the US if you can) is the most conservative approach. However, timing and ability to obtain a monitored test (in your hotel or in a US clinic) is problematic. I'd offer these options: Because it isn't clear if RCL will accept a proctored AG test for pre-boarding health checks you might take in the UK (e.g., for your flight/to enter the US and within the 2d window for RCL's testing requirement), you could arrange for a health clinic based COVID test once you arrive in the US. Not sure your arrival location (Miami or Fort Lauderdale?) but both cities have lots of clinics that will do a Rapid AG COVID test that you will walk out the door with a printed copy of your test results. Uber/Lyft there and back. Spend some time searching the web for clinics in your arrival city that do COVID Rapid AG testing and make an appointment. Right now, you usually can't walk in. You can try ordering the tests you need ASAP from Optum to be delivered to your hotel. Your sail date needs to be at least 10d away from your order date to allow for delivery delays. If you're closer to your sail date than that it gets risky. You can do this: Perhaps the easiest and least stressful and probably not a whole lot more than visiting a local clinic for your test(s) is the Concierge testing that RCL offers. You get your rapid test outside the terminal using a contracted vendor that administers it. Here's the link explaining this option and walking you through how it works. There's a link on the last page of this site to book an appointment, such test scheduling being associated with the ship/port you are sailing on/from. Best of luck - I know this can be stressful.
  10. You can start ordering home COVID AG tests at the link below starting Wednesday, January 19th, I assume at 12:01 AM. I searched and could not find the brands to be distributed. Several articles mention 8 brands. Hard to know which brands are included in the government program. The second link is to the FDA's list of all FDA Approved/EUA COVID Rapid AG tests - there are 16 approved for home use. Your guess is as good as mine on which of those 16 are in the government's plan. The third link is a list of the 9 "best" at home COVID tests. I read this article and found it to be medically sound. You could imagine the brands in the government's program will include 8 of these nine. Abbott's BinaxNow kit tops the list. No surprise to me. As far as I can tell, the Abbott product is the only AG test on the list that is proctored and meets RCL's pre-boarding requirements. There is a home molecular test n the list (won't be distributed by the government) that might meet RCL's PCR requirement for kiddos as it does have some kind of monitoring that can be done if you sign up for it (???$$$) In the final analysis, using the government web site to obtain free COVID tests is a crap shoot for us cruisers. I doubt the proctored test is among those the government will be sending out. Back to eMed or Optum folks. However, for personal use - and I think there are a lot of good reasons to have these on hand - I'd take advantage of ordering from the Government web site/ https://www.covidtests.gov/ https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-disease-2019-covid-19-emergency-use-authorizations-medical-devices/in-vitro-diagnostics-euas-antigen-diagnostic-tests-sars-cov-2 https://www.verywellhealth.com/best-at-home-covid-tests-5208810
  11. Stop bothering with them. Challenge the charge with your CC company saying the promised product was never delivered.
  12. Do you have a link for this information? I sent an inquiry today to Abbott labs asking them to clarify Abbot's history of requests for extensions of the shelf life of both BinaxNow products (proctored and un-proctored) and the FDA's response to those requests. I mentioned there is confusion about the length of time a particular product's expiration date by box code ID has been extended and which products by box code ID have not had their expiration dates extended. I have a copy of Abbott's release on May first, 2021 of a letter that extended expiration dates and by how much and by which box ID. There were 100s of them in a 4 page list attached to the letter. The latest date of an extension was a batch of IDs (1507, 1507A, 1507B) extended to 2/21/22. It makes sense that since May, '21, Abbott has not extended any expiration dates for products that had expiration dates of 11/22/21 or later. The FDA had already approved Abbot's request to the FDA to extend the shelf life of early test kits that originally had a 9 month shelf life. That makes the behavior of eMed in sending products with expected 11-12 month shelf life due to expire in March of 2022 particularly egregious as those tests would have been manufactured as early as May, 1st, 2021, having already used up 3/4s of their shelf life when they were shipped to customers like Pattycruise. At the $30 price tag for each test, you would expect when you buy a 6 as pack for $180 with shipping, you'd expect all of them to be manufactured in late November, early December, 2021 at the latest and be useful for 11-12 months. OTH, it's possible that eMed sees buying 6 tests is meant to meet the immediate pre-boarding testing needs for a party of 6 traveling together not to meet the pre-bording needs of a couple over a year's time. Lesson here is order early but not too early. Lesson for eMed, make it clear that if you order test kits you may receive test kits that will expire not later than 3 months. Plan your purchases accordingly. Optionally and when you don't need 6 test kits over the hsort term, buy the 2 pack from Optum instead.
  13. Well, eMed didn't send you expired tests, they just didn't sent you tests that were good beyond March 16th. You assumed they would send you tests that would be good for 12-15 months, right? My recommendations are that if you have cruises past March 16th, I'd plan on using the test kits (I assume 4 or ?more of them) for the (2?) cruises you have booked that sail on or before March 16th, 2022. Set those aside for that purpose. The next thing I'd do is call customer service on Tuesday and tell them your situation explaining you can cover two (?) cruises with the six pack you received from them but not any of your cruises past March 16th and that you had the expectation that you would be issued test kits with expiration dates at least 12-15 months beyond your order date..... a reasonable consumer expectation. Then ask for an instore credit for each of the test kits out of the 6 you received that you won't use and/or will expire on March 16th. Let's say you have two of them at $30 each that won't work for you. That's a $60 credit for the next purchase you make one month or less before your next cruise and after March 16th. They should do that IMO. Try honey instead of outrage. If they won't work with you, challenge the charge with your CC company. I tend to agree with you sending you test kits that appear to have been manufactured a year ago is cheesy if not questionable in terms of their policies on these matters found here (your CC company will probably agree with us and credit you back the $180 you were charged): https://www.emed.com/terms-of-sale
  14. Got it ...... I'm assuming you used the eMed/Navica web page (on your phone or a PC) and created an account here: https://www.emed.com/app/login?redirect_to=%2Fapp%2Fstart-testing&hsLang=en From your post I also assume you did create an account and then proceeded through the questions to get to connect to a proctor then stopped, right? Good, your on the right track. If not use the link above and create an account (save your password somewhere!!!). Your phone will have a country code that is not the US's (+1) and I suspect you won't be able to download the Navica App. You could try and if you are able, the app is nice plus it keeps a record of any BinaxNow COVID AG testing you do from the time you log your first test (both un-proctored and proctored) right on your phone going forward. Barring the downloading of the Navica App on your phone, the web based process will work just fine on your phone (kinda small print for me) or a PC (better if you have bad eyesight). Sounds like you've got a plan.
  15. According to an article by The Points Guy, Abbott released a letter on Abbott Labs letter head that had a list of all ID numbers of their tests that had been released before May, 2021. It explained that all the Abbott tests included in the list were extended for 3 months. The article, written in November, 2021 noted that the FDA had authorized the extension of all Abbott Labs Rapid AG tests for 3 months past the expiration date on the box so, if you have one dated 12/16/21 as an expiration date, it will expire on 3/16/22. The article commented that Abbott did not respond to an inquiry to clarify extending expiration dates of all their Rapid AG tests. However I found an April 6th 2021 letter from the FDA that appears to me to be an all tests sold inclusive permission to allow Abbott Labs to use a 15 month instead of a 12 month shelf life. https://www.fda.gov/media/147409/download I had some expired tests that I used in July and again in August based on the May letter and I carried that with me just in case. Terminal Staff did not question the dates of the expired tests on pre-boarding screening during both occasions. A photo was taken of both my CDC shot card and the paper test result I presented. Also note that I use the Navica App and it has both a text record and QR code in it. I didn't use that but in both cases the date of expiration of the test you used when you scanned the bar code into the app to start the testing process is in there. TBC, that does not mean someone else screening the testing records (e.g., ship's staff) will not see that the test you used was expired but by that time you are already aboard it might be moot. My take is that if that happened and you were questioned by ship's security staff, I'd plead ignorance. Once you do that the right thing for the cruise line to do would be to test you on board and send you on your way. First, I recommend you carry the a copy of the linked FDA letter with you if you think you have expired (12 months after the expiration date on the box) with you but don'toffer it unless challenged during pre- or after boarding. Based on that letter, your December issued tests should be good exactly 3 months after the expiration date on the text box (in your Navica app or on a printed test result. I can't imagine that between the time you board and the time the ship departs that a staff member is going to screen thousands of those pictures that were snapped of your COVID test results but I suppose it could happen and you could be questioned about it ..... but you have the FDA letter with you, right? Show it and head for the bar. Follow practices you are comfortable with and don't ever mention, some guy posting on the RCL message boards said you could use expired tests because they were extended! Through March you have proof they have been.
  16. Smokey, did you mean to post this on the other thread discussing the end of the CSO? I know DOE does get involved with the Cruise Lines but to what extent and as to how this pertains to the CSO, I have no clue. Clarification - or maybe i'm missing part of the thread you posted this in???
  17. Yes, those are the correct tests and the correct pricing for Optum. I would recommend that you check the eMed web site. If you need 6 tests, with tax and shipping they are $180. I ordered from eMed 3 weeks ago and had them in my hands (FEDEX 2-d and that's the only shipping option) in 5 days and two of those were over a weekend. I've placed 3 orders without any problems from eMed. One during the current rush. No problems although instaGator reported delays for him using eMed in another thread. You are not required to use Optum products. I recommend you download the Navica app (iphone or Android) and use it to run your tests. You initiate the proctored test by scanning your barcode on the test package into the Navica app, once you do that follow the instructions. It takes about 20 minutes to do each test - they must be done separately. Once done, results will be uploaded to your Navica App to show to anyone who is asking in digital print format and a QR code that can be scanned by officials. You'll also get an email with an attached results sheet. Print these out. Thatway you have both a hard copy in your hand and a digital copy on your phone. https://www.emed.com/products/covid-at-home-testkit-six-pack Good luck.
  18. ...... a continuation of my post above about the https://www.findacovidtest.org/ web site. Over the last week, I've read several scientific articles (they're in the lay press too) about the value of COVID tests using saliva as the test medium. Obvious advantages apply but the one I noted that makes sense is that a saliva test is more likely to catch Omicron earlier than the now in favor anterior nasal swab commonly found in most of the available at home tests and FDA/EU approved. Saliva tests are PCR tests and they take the standard up to 72h to get results so, these may not be needed by you. For kiddos they are an option although going to a clinic (assuming you schedule your clinic appointments far enough in advance to lock one in (usually 2 weeks or more) may be easier and starting today, your insurance will cover them. If you want to go the home test route, they'll be covered but you'll have to submit a claim for reimbursement. This is the cheapest one I found ($89) and it's equivalent in price and function to the Lucira products I mentioned above. https://vitagene.com/products/covid-19-saliva-test-kit/
  19. GeraldoO86, you have a solid plan. I'm assuming you are ordering your tests from eMed or Optum. RCL will link you to Optum. The test you want is the proctored Abbott BinaxNow Rapid Antigen test, not the un-proctored test of the same name. You can also google search for eMed, get your tests through them, but the down side of eMed right now is they only sell a 6-pack of the proctored tests ($180). You can get a 2 or 3 -pack from Optum for much less. proctored AG tests are one test per box. The Home, un-proctored tests are 2 tests per box. Abbott BinaxNow test results (either one) can be completed and uploaded using the Navica App (Apple or Android Play stores) that is linked to eMed. I'm not sure how Optum does this but you can use any Abbott COVID test you have with the Navica app - a bar code is a bar code and you use your phone to scan that in to the Navica app to start the testing process. I recommend this or Optum's app if they have one. It's pretty slick but you'll need a good wifi (e.g., hotel) connection to use it and get through the proctored test on line...proctors are typically Asian and they are hard enough to understand with a perfect signal. You can use data, the local network, assuming you either have an international roaming plan from your telephone service provider and can gain access to the network or a sim card (ATT, Verizon, others) you can slip into your phone for travel with phone access in the US, subject to the vagaries of data network's signal strength. Hotel wifi will probably be your best bet. After you complete the test in the Navica App, results will uploaded directly to the app as a result of you scanning the bar code to start the test. It will then be digitally displayable (print and QR Code) to anyone you wish to show it to. You'll also get an email with your results and all the info on it for the test as a hard copy attachment. Print this out. That way you have both a digital (QR and print) and hard copy record of your test result. Good luck and happy sailing.
  20. I'm providing a link to a very useful web site that allows you to select the kind of COVID test you want (15 of them listed and I'll get to those in a minute) along with selecting the usual distributors/vendors (a bunch of them) and find out when the one's you're looking for are in stock. I found the web site - Find an At-Home COVID Test On-Line - last night, picked out the two test kits I was interested in (Abbott's BinaxNow ($19-$23 for a two pack) and Lucira's AG test ($26 for a two pack) not the Molecular version, one test, which is expensive at $85 - this one is similar to tests being used in point of care, airport travel centers and elsewhere. It is not a PCR test and I'm not sure if RCL will accept a molecular test in place of a PCR. I tend to think they will for your unvaxed kiddos you may need them for. The web site apparently is connected to the distributors of the tests and queries stock at 5 minute intervals 24/7. When a distributor shows product in stock, you get a text. I set mine up last night around 9pm and went to bed at 10:30. At 11:02 (I was asleep) I got a text saying they were available at Walmart. By morning they were gone and the web site says, demand is so high for the BinaxNow tests, product is usually gone in 5 minutes. Lo, at 8:30am, I got a text that the Abbott test kits were available on-line at Walgreens, jumped on it and got 3 test kits at $23 ($79 w/tax, free shipping) into my basket, checked out, got order confirmation immediately and a shipping (FEDEX Standard - 3-5 business days) notification about two hours later. As I mentioned up-thread along with others, the "shipped" email means the test kits have probably been boxed and a FEDEX label prepared. That does not mean that the box is in the hands of FEDEX and has left the Walgreen's warehouse. That takes a day or most of one. So, you can't track the FEDEX number right away. BTW, afterI got my 3 from Walgreens, I went back to check and not in stock was displayed. So, yeah, gotta be quick. On the 13 FDA/EUA COVID test kits available, I have only studied the Abbott and Lucira Rapid AG test and Molecular test products. I can recommend these because I know they are easy to administer and they have high sensitivity and specificity probabilities (90/98% respectively). There's about a 2% false positive rate on any of these test kits. I'm reading that creeps up with Omicron but isn't a show stopper IMO. The Lucira molecular test would be great if RCL will accept it in place of a PCR (technically PCR and Molecular tests are similar in how they work and what they are measuring within the SARS-CoV2 virus). Other tests such as On/Go seem to be available - I'm not so sure about these; InteliSwab and Ellum I'm more sure of but I recommend you do your own research on these test kits to see if they work for you. An important lesson here is that there are 15 COVID test kits available through this web site. Look beyond BinaxNow. Also, the distributors and vendors are legit. You've probably read about phoney web sites pushing COVID test kits. Stay away! Good hunting! https://www.findacovidtest.org/
  21. Here are my thoughts on test kits: A six-pac of BinaxNow, proctored, Rapid AG tests from eMed costs $180 including "next day" delivery from FEDEX. It's seems that "next" day means within 3-5d not including weekends. I suspect delays mentioned above are from the distributor of the tests issuing a shipping label then not getting the package in the hands of FEDEX quickly enough, also mentioned above. That's $30/test that will last you and your partner for 3 cruises in about an 11 month period. Tests ordered and received in January 2022 seem to have November expiration dates. Mine did and others have seen the same. You may be tempted (due to lack of the un-proctored self tests that are available) but don't use these tests except for travel where a proctored test result is required. The proctored tests are expensive compared to the un-proctored model. Those will will either be free by Saturday or in a week or so both models will be covered by health insurance. Abbott Labs test production is scaling up and both proctored and un-proctored tests will be more readily available over the coming weeks. Don't panic buy, don't horde. Use un-proctored tests (when you can get them) to test if you have COVID symptoms and are worried about spreading it/think you need to isolate or insuring you have cleared the infection after 5d. Don't test needlessly and without symptoms unless you are positive you've been in "close contact" with an infected person. Be aware that testing too early in an Omicron COVID infection will produce a false negative result. Avoid testing before 48h from symptom onset or exposure. As well, don't rush post symptom testing for return to work/normal routine. Wait at least 5d from symptom onset or exposure and no fever. If you push it, you'll get a positive result and wasted a test. Be patient. The hallmark symptoms of Omicron induced COVID are a sore throat, fever > 99.0F and in some cases, body aches. These hallmark features will be accompanied by a runny nose and paroxysmal sneezing. Cough, if there is one, is dry and unproductive. A constellation of symptoms that doesn't match these is probably influenza, your common cold induced by the every day coronavirus or a mucous productive cough caused by the bacterium M. Pneumoniae that quickly resolves with a Z-Pk and a 5d course of prednisone. Know the differences. The Navica app (available at the play store for Android and Apple for Apple phones) is nice and will store all your BinaxNow proctored and un-proctored test results for you to display to officials checking for negative COVID tests but recommend you print hard-copy results. A loss of network connection or availability of WIFI will make it impossible for you access the app just when you need it. You will be THAT PERSON in line that is holding up boarding.
  22. I assume you're cruising with RCL. It is very important for you to visit their web site and determine what health protocols are in effect for your ship. They can vary based on your departure port and your ports of call. I'm sailing with Celebrity out of Fort Lauderdale (I live there) on February 5th and I was just notified last week of the pre-boarding and health protocols on board. RCL, like Celebrity, is very good about notifying you, usually starting about 30d before your cruise of information you need to organize your plans for travel to the cruise port and board the ship. Royal has a very good phone app that lets you do everything you need to do to check in. Locate download instructions at the web page from your phone then download it to your phone. You still have enough time to order Rapid Antigen tests from Royal (they use a vendor - Optum) but do it soon to avoid potential shipping delays due to scarce supplies. Another web site is eMed - this is the vendor that you get linked to to obtain your AG tests from the Celebrity Cruise line web site. Both sites will provide you Rapid AG tests that are monitored and these are the only home tests RCL will accept as proof of a COVID negative test. There are self tests without monitoring - these won't work. The box the test comes in has easy to follow directions to make your phone call to the monitor. The whole process takes about 20 minutes and is easy to do. You must do these tests not more than 48 before you board. If you are boarding at noon on Friday, the earliest you can take the monitored test is noon on Wednesday. Taking it any time after that is fine. If you want to get a PCR test (or that's all you can find) you will have to find a clinic that specifically does travel PCR tests and will provide results within 12h. Make use of a web search to find what you need. There are usually travel medical clinics at most major airports that do these tests and you'll have the results by email and/or text. As we move into the Omicron period of the pandemic, getting a PCR test instead of a Rapid AG test may make sense. If you can do that and the timing works, I'd recommend it but don't knock yourself out. The AG tests half a very low false positive rate. It's the false negative rate that has increased slightly with Omicron around - the last thing you want to happen is to get a false negative pre-boarding COVID test then feel a cold and sore throat coming on early in your cruise. If that happens, you must mask up and go to medical to report your symptoms. Do this early in the period you start to experience COVID like symptoms (that's when you are most contagious) - they'll test you. Do your part. If you test positive you'll get quarantined. The other thousand or so guests and crew will thank you for that, the cruise ship will take good care of you in your cabin, once your ashore and you'll get free stuff from the cruise line for being responsible and not dodging the inevitable if +. Your post makes it sound like you might be new to this. Your welcome here with any and all questions. Lots of knowledgeable people to answer them and get you pointed in the right direction to get the help you might need. I'll add if you are going cruising in these times, you have to be very flexible and not get flustered by changes or delays. I hope you planed to arrive at least one full day before your cruise leaves, more if your the nervous type. That gives you wiggle room if a flight gets cancelled. If you're not in a position to do that, e.g., already booked for same day arrival, I'd consider canceling and re-booking if that works for you. That is especially true if you did not insure your travel. If you did insure, gut it out, hope everything falls in place and if it doesn't get what you can from RCL and file insurance claims for the rest.
  23. I think you're right. Celebrity pursued a different course than Royal did at the start-up from US ports back in June and made the choice about wanting families to be able to return to cruising public. They also pursued the recommended CDC guidelines for "Test Cruises." Celebrity didn't and went with the, "we will get to 95% vax rates for both crew and guests. The word was that corporate pursued that goal aggressively by limiting capacity that had the impact of limiting the likelihood that families with untaxed (ineligible at the start point in June) children would sail. Most of the cruises I've been on - all 7 of them since June 26th - have gotten to 98% guest vax rates and 100% crew per onboard announcements usually on the 2nd day of the cruise. No cruise had more than 1500 guests with capacity between 2800 and 3000. Most were less than that and several less than 1000. I didn't see even a 1/2 dozen kids - all ages - on any of those 7 cruises With the advent of lowering age eligibility for vaccines, Celebrity is still requiring Children 12 and over to provide proof of vaccination to sail. 2-11 year olds, although now eligible, are not required to be vaccinated but must mask and their access to certain areas and events is restricted and so are their traveling companion/parents of the children. If vaxed, this group of kids and their traveling companions/parents can follow the health protocols for those that are vaxed. Boosters are not required. As of last week, Celebrity now requires masks indoors for all guests regardless of vaccination status except when eating or drinking. Prior to that and as of May of last year, the policy was no masks/physical distancing required on board. The announcement was made given the risk Omicron is posing. That policy will be reviewed regularly implying it will be ended when circumstances allow.
  24. I know RCL and Celebrity - both part of RCG - are separate business entities developing and following their own health and safety protocols but I find it odd that RCL is requiring masks on board when Celebrity isn't. Both lines, for all intent and purpose, have identical vaccination status policies. Does one set of health advisors know more than the other and what do they know? Celebrity's from their web site: Following CDC Guidelines, masks will not be required for vaccinated guests. Masks are required for unvaccinated guests under 12 years old while indoors when not in their stateroom, eating or drinking.
  25. I wouldn't go that far. I believe the lines are in a wait and see mode. The anecdotal evidence regarding Omicron is encouraging and seems to be getting better with time. It should be about another 2w for hard data to either support or refute the encouraging trends. You wouldn't know that from COVID information available in the public domain as presented to us by social or main stream media. I can see why you would worry about cancellations. There is also evidence that governments are becoming more reluctant to impose overly restrictive mitigation measures or if they do impose them, they are of short duration. As well, the argument that SARS2 is not going to be eradicated and will probably be around for the long term, perhaps forever, is causing governments to take positions that SARS2 and the disease it causes - COVID - is manageable.
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