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Everything posted by TXcruzer

  1. You booked your cruise inside of final payment. There is no price match after final payment
  2. This is called interporting. The ship does not have a traditional "turnaround day". One either sales Rome to Rome or Barcelona to Barcelona. Half the people on the ship will be on different "cruise days" as the other half.
  3. On Wonder last week, your photos showed up in a folder on the App within 45 minutes to an hour of being taken, that was a first for us.
  4. we have taken this fan for years, easy to pack, clips to anything in the cabin you want, and the charge lasts about 10 hours on high. https://www.amazon.com/10000mAh-Battery-Operated-Portable-Stroller/dp/B08866RDYK/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=3L80XM1U43P13&keywords=opolar+portable+fan+rechargeable&qid=1689961882&sprefix=opolar%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  5. There will not be double points in this scenario, since the booking was not solo at inception
  6. Exactly this, I would let it ride just in case you find a new travel partner- it is VERY easy to change a name at any time.
  7. Having two policies is just an invitation for neither to pay out, but rather argue about who is liable
  8. 21 No one under the age of 21 will be booked in their own cabin without someone 21 or older; unless linked to a reservation (parent) in a room in the immediate vicinity.
  9. On Allure in February, the CD staff were removing underage cruisers from the venue before it started.
  10. I never said pictures were immediately deleted, and I am not judging anyones decisions
  11. I am sorry you took it as rude, I was simply stating facts. FOIA admissions? Admissions of knowing what you look like??
  12. Facial recognition doesn't even take photo when you come back through CBP. Facial recognition analyzes the ration in spacing between several key points on the face (eye cantus nose bridge among others) This is what facial recognition works regardless of facial hair or a myriad of other changes that can be made to the face. Refusal to use the facial rec. machines is absolutely anyone's right, but the reasons are bordering on paranoid delusion
  13. Thank You, I was pondering the exact same question.
  14. I have wondered that many times, I have researched it unsuccessfully
  15. Any time i have renewed my passport, before i send in the old book and the application, I make sure my birth certificate is handy just in case. I assume this is a closed loop cruise
  16. What a labor of love; this is fantastic!! Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!
  17. WOW, 12 hours and no reply from the OP. Another whine and run post
  18. New ship contracts pre date the current financial situation, downpayment already made, and more than likely more expensive to back out than to move forward. Yes the money is "rolling in", but not into Royal's operations accounts; not for quite awhile yet.
  19. ALL reasons why I am so grateful for my travel agent!!
  20. Not just you, the entire Royal website leaves MUCH to be desired
  21. Not in an SEC filing I'm not saying they won't AMP Allure (I hope they do not personally) but from a fiduciary perspective, it is not a sound decision
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