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Everything posted by HeWhoWaits

  1. I tried growing a beard during quarantine but couldn't pull it off. My wife said "Use a razor. It's more efficient."
  2. It only takes me five minutes to walk to the pub but it takes me half an hour to get home. The difference is staggering.
  3. What does a runner drink when he's in last place? Ketchup.
  4. What's worse than raining cats and dogs? Hailing taxis.
  5. We never stopped having back yard gatherings. It's not difficult to maintain space between individuals outside and the recommendations have always been "wear a mask indoors where the ability to maintain six feet of separation isn't possible." Outdoors AND spaced apart - easy to do. And we've kept on keepin' on.
  6. "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" did indeed have a spinoff named "The Suite Life on Deck" where a group of kids living onboard thSS Tipton and attending classes at Seven Seas High.
  7. Which is why the CDC shouldn't have any power over the cruise industry. Nursing homes are health care facilities. CDC as a health-related agency would seemingly have some reason to have oversight. Cruises are recreational activities. CDC is not a recreation-related agency and thus should have not authority.
  8. If this is their reasoning, EVERY nursing home in the country should have been shut down because of the original outbreak in Seattle. And NONE of them should be open again.
  9. Only if she's a diver or snorkeling fan. Bonaire it THE place to dive or snorkel among the three.
  10. @twangsterfailed (did not ignore) By the same measure, @HeWhoWaitsalso failed.
  11. The official reflection on your account won't happen during your trip. However, my wife was in this exact situation. She reached Diamond during a 7 night cruise with two friends, then stayed on B2B for a family trip. All you need to do is head to the Loyalty desk during the first cruise to get the information added for the second. Your SeaPass will not say Diamond, but a sticker will be added. You'll then need to visit again to have the card activated for the Diamond Lounge.
  12. How do I get invited to these coffee talks?
  13. @FMankethinks I'm a pre-teen boy! Truth be told, though, that's just ONE of my breakfast plates.
  14. A priest, a rabbit, and a minister walk into a bar. The bartender asks the rabbit "What'll you have?" The rabbit replies "I don't know. I'm only here because of auto-correct."
  15. Maybe it will make a three-day stay in Bayonne then return to Bermuda.
  16. I hate it when people say that age is just a number. Age is clearly a WORD.
  17. Chewy, but not greasy - THAT's the challenge. For my wife - solid, but not crispy. Those who don't want bacon (heathens) will breeze through the rest of the buffet while we explain again and again which pieces of bacon we want.
  18. Here in Eastern North Carolina the "hurdle" was this: Thursday - a friend whose neighbor is involved with the mass vaccinations locally asked if we wanted to be put on a list to be called for leftover vaccine at the end of the day. We said yes. Friday 4:39 p.m. - "Hi. If you can make it to the Convention Center by 5:00, you can get the J&J vaccine today." Friday 4:57 p.m. - in the building. Friday 5:03 p.m. - all paperwork done and shots in our arms.
  19. And there might be less instances of rudely pushing in front of you with motorized scooters. Nah, those rude people will still find a way to be rude.
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