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Everything posted by Zacharius

  1. USVI is considered domestic (as it should) by AT&T. I've never had any issue in my multiple trips there, either on St. Thomas, St. Croix, or St. John.
  2. I'm not a lawyer so I am not sure how that term would or would not implicate liability in court, but to me...falling does not, in itself, transfer liability to or from any individual or entity. I climb in and around planes frequently because of my job...if I fall out of the wheel well, for example, that doesn't automatically mean that the owner of the plane is liable. They may be, they may not be, but the act of falling in itself doesn't automatically imply anything in my mind.
  3. I would say those are still "falling". You can fall because of something stupid. One can climb up the ladder a step too high and fall...it was both stupid, and a fall.
  4. Port Vila and Vanuatu is a lovely place. I once had to go there for work and unexpectedly spent two weeks there. I will say that it's lovely for a day or two, but trying to find a way to keep yourself entertained in off-hours for two weeks is...tricky The people are incredible, though. As someone from a developing country in Africa, though, the sceptic in me says that Carnival + Royal have enough money to build a decent wharf on their own without using foreign aid that could go to much better causes. But I'll end my opinions there.
  5. This really depends on what rate you book at a hotel. The lowest hotel rates are usually the ones where you pay at booking and are nonrefundable. Other rates are more expensive, but have flexibility and can be re-booked at lower rates. Definitely pros and cons to each, but something to be aware of. The vast majority of hotels will not negotiate on those nonrefundable rates.
  6. Yep, that's what we always do. It allows us to have a huge variety of options after landing as far as things to do/see, places to eat/drink, and hotels at which to stay. Big fan of the car rental idea.
  7. Yoooo, I have no idea how I quoted myself but apparently I did...
  8. Kinda sorta. I believe it's still the case that, if you are on a closed loop Caribbean sailing, you don't need one. If you are on a cruise that begins and ends in different places, even if they're both within the US, you need some sort of passport book/passport card/NEXUS/SENTRI/FAST...maybe you can get by with an enhanced US drivers license? Not 100% sure about the latter.
  9. I have no answers but I love the idea of being able to spend the night partying in Vancouver and then stumbling on to your cruise to start the vacation
  10. I have seen them a lot on longer East/Southeast Asia cruises, especially in places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and sometimes even Xiamen.
  11. I heard that's how Tony, Paulie, and Christopher got to Italy for that episode of the Soprano's.
  12. You'll see no evidence of the real Haiti when you're at Labadee, for better or for worse. A lot more would have to happen (either politically or natural disaster-y) for them to change plans.
  13. This is a fairly uncommon document, and the issue you're going to possibly run in to is not that it's invalid, but that those tasked with accepting or not accepting it are not aware or educated about its legality. While you may have reached out to them by phone, it may also be worth getting it in writing.
  14. I would wager that 99% of people using the UDP are perfectly calm, quiet, responsible people who are just enjoying their vacation. Maybe they get a little loud and rambunctious at night, but they probably would without the UDP anyways. I can only imagine what small percentage of UDP customers are causing issues.
  15. Do be careful though. I have known someone who got their passport stamped by some unofficial touristy thing in Mexico and the US government was not thrilled when they saw it in his passport coming back in to the US. Gave him a "warning" for lack of any official term.
  16. That looks like the office where Bahamians would go to get their passports, not where visitors would have any option of getting one stamped. At least, that's how it appears to me.
  17. I'm a big fan. I don't worry so much about "trying to get my money's worth" because I know that some days I'll drink less, some I'll drink more, and I'll also take advantage of juice at breakfast, soft drinks, a coffee each morning after my run, and bottled waters. I may try drinks I wouldn't otherwise, and at low risk - if I don't like it, get something else. I also am able to stock up on bottled waters for shore excursions, which may help offset any "not getting your money's worth on shore days" feelings.
  18. St. John is an incredibly beautiful, amazing, and peaceful place. We have gone there on a cruise and on a land-based vacation, and have nothing but the greatest of things to say about it. Have not been to Magens Bay, but really can't say enough good things about any beach on St. John. St. John is also very easy to get to on your own, so don't limit yourself to a ship excursion. Going on your own also opens up options for beaches on St. John beyond just Trunk Bay.
  19. It really depends on your comfort level. Falmouth as a town is a pit. I have walked around it and had drinks at a local bar. But I am extremely comfortable in developing (and, frankly, non-developing) countries, and I ...well, blend in a bit more than many on this forum probably do I do understand the hesitancy of many people, and unless you're very comfortable in that type of place, I would recommend skipping the town itself as a visit.
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