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J. Woody

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  1. I didn’t buy any food package. Just go and try Izumi 3rd night. It was great so back again last day of the cruise.
  2. Harmony’s MDR does. Server got w/espresso and Latte for me.!
  3. I had same experience terminals had issues all the time at pool bar. My son lost his on days 3. Found out over $40 charged at Arcade.( not used by my son)! I phoned guest service and they took off those charges.
  4. Thank you for your blogging and taking your time !!
  5. Our Service with MADE last week of the Harmony. He is also great !! Enjoy your cruise and thank you for your live blog!!
  6. Missing straws ? We just back from Harmony. Straws are everywhere.....and agree that hard to drink frozen drink without it.!!
  7. Thank you tonyfsu21. I would like to make sure that “ Solarium” is only for adults but Solarium bistro.
  8. Is Solarium Bistro for only Adult ? ? I would like to try but my teens should not allow to dine there ??
  9. We always traveling with only carry on. ( Such a tiny suit case).. We can’t bring a big spray of sunscreen/ shampoo/conditioner for all of us. I have to shop before embarkation. Is there any Super market near port ?? We will stay Holiday Inn Express Airport & Cruise port 1150 West State Road 84 Fort Lauderdale. or I could buy at store in the ship.
  10. Thank you for your help. !! ?
  11. I read your blog. What a beautiful pictures !! Thank you for your post , twangster !! Also thank you let me know Lovetocruise2002 !! So you skip that tour half way of that ? Go back to the ship port is that easy ??
  12. Do you mind to explain for “ Lyft” ?? What is this ???
  13. Thank you JLMoran !!
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