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Everything posted by rjac

  1. Has anyone heard about Royal canceling Juneau Alaska as a port stop this month and next month due to the glacier melt and flooding? rjac
  2. Has anyone gone on this excursion? We are planning on doing it next month. But, my wife is getting cold feet because of the distance of the hiking, trail conditions, etc. We are in our 70's fairly good shape and have all the gear. Anyone have experience on this excursion. Good and bad comments will be appreciated. Thanks! Robert
  3. rjac


    Gilley, We were on an RC bus excursion a number of years ago. Th roads that the bus driver were scenic but very steep with a lot of switch backs. Some folks actually got sick. At the end of the tour there was a lot of traffic on the steep roads with switch backs and we were late for the departure. Since this was an RC excursion, the ship waited for us. If you are going on an excursion that is not offered by RC just make SURE you can get back before the all aboard time. Good luck!
  4. Just be aware that the bottle of alcohol is small. Not the typical size you buy at home. Read the fine print.
  5. Thanks to all who replied. I appreciate your feedback! Have a great weekend!
  6. Embarking on The Radiance OTS in 36 days. Have accomplished all the required-on board check-in and have our set sail passes. The only thing missing are the luggage tags. On previous cruises with Royal they were available just after the 90 day window. What's going on? Thanks. rjac
  7. I agree with TimeRacer. Bonine is our go to and it does not make us sleepy nor drowsy like some of the other OTC anti sea sick meds.
  8. Thanks Ryan, that's what I thought.
  9. Finally getting to ALASKA! Had this trip all planned out and paid for in 2019 for a land and sea cruise in August of 2020. Well, that didn't happen and I'm sure you know why. This past June my wife says let's go to Alaska, this year. Nothing like waiting util the last minute. So, I go online and the same trip we had planned before is booking 29 August to September 8 at a price I couldn't refuse and an aft cabin to further sweeten the deal. I called Michelle, she still had the trip in her computer and we booked it. Oh. one other thing, Aug 29 is my wife's birthday. Nice. Here's my question. After the land portion (Denali) we end up in Seward to Board the Radiance for the south passageway. The Radiance will be coming from Vancouver on the north passageway to Seward for debarkation of those on board. Where do those folks go/do once they are off the ship? Thanks.
  10. Sorry, HWW. My wife saw my post and said she would GLADLY slap food out of my hand as well as alcoholic beverages. And if I whined or complained, she would gladly slap the sh*t out of me. This is going to be such a fun cruise, I'm feeling it already!
  11. Looks like the cruise bug bit you REALLY good! Congrats!
  12. Here's a link at Amazon for luggage tags: Amazon.com | Royal Caribbean Luggage Tag Holders by Cruise On [4 Pack] Fits All Royal Caribbean Ships & Tags for Cruises in 2023 & 2024 | Luggage Tags. A lot of us here use them. They're inexpensive and almost indestructible. I put them on the morning we are heading to the ship. A lot better than the paper ones you print off. Enjoy your cruise!
  13. I just found out today that Al Gore WAS the one that invented the internet! It was all based on his mathematical algorithms.
  14. Well Crimson, hate to tell you....but there is no escargo offered on any of the beaches on the islands you mentioned!
  15. And the name of that card is????? Inquiring minds would like to know.
  16. Sorry Heather, I do not believe the Wonder docks at the port closest to the shopping area. The larger ships dock across the bay and you can take a taxi to the shopping area. Someone correct me if I am incorrect on this.
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