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Everything posted by Cactus527

  1. Oh my gosh, the parking lot at San Pedro is HUGE. I think I'd be shocked if you had any problems finding spots. Remember that the lot will empty out prior to your arrival because the previous cruise passengers will leave. You won't have any issues! I went to Google Maps and found an image for you of the parking area (outlined in blue). You can see how huge it is compared to the ship at the top. The red marks/circle are where NOTS will be. Enjoy your cruise!
  2. This makes me wonder now - I've got 24 already pre-purchased for a cruise this summer. I wonder if we'll get the normal-size bottles or the 1 liters? Hmmm...
  3. I love forward cabins. The only time I ever feel movement of the ship is when I'm laying down in bed. For my kiddos on their first cruise, they found that Seabands were super helpful to alleviate that mild motion sickness. You can find those anywhere - big box store, pharmacy, probably even the grocery store. Hope this helps!
  4. For future reference to anyone else considering Red Shirt Golf Cart Rentals, this is the email I got back from them in March 2023: Hola !Thank you for contact us, let me provide you the info.We have different cart options:● Regular used Red or Lime green 2-4ppl carts (60usd, carb engine, lifted, 2forward-2backwards)● Regular used 6ppl carts (80usd, 4 facing forward-2 backwards)We also have new options like:● Brand new 2-4 ppl XRT carts (80usd, fuel injected, windshield, brushguard lifted 4", foldable cargo rear seat 2fwd-2bwd).● Brand new FANCY 2-4 ppl carts (90usd, real fancy shape, tinted windshield, fancy Rims, brushguard and lifted 6", 2fwd-2bwd).Full Day Rate (ship arrival to ship departure time, you can do a quick and short exploration or staying at the beach/shops for hours and we wont charge you extra) gas, color map with recommendations and also local beach facilities (beach chairs, parking lot, showers, kayacs, etc) at some local beach clubs like Krazy Lobster, Lunas, Chunky Monkey, Barbanegra, etc.Golf carts are street legal here, gas powered, no mimimun age to ride on, you can drive to the village-beach (small fishermens village 2500ppl population, 2.5 miles from the port), surroundings (tequila store with free tastings, lighthouse, dirt coast road, local shops, regional food restaurants, local masseurs, handcrafts, mayan replica with iguanas living there, etc), its a small and very safe area, our golf cart supervisor is patrolling around every hour for any help. Once with us (MAYAHUAL RED SHIRT STAFF) we will provide you our color map.In recent months our beaches have been hit by tons of sargassum, Mother Nature works 24/7, despite this most of the beach clubs work very hard so that you enjoy your visit to our little town. Some weeks we have crystal clear waters and other days some seaweed arrives . Local beach clubs are doing their best.You can rent cart once you arrive here but We highly recommend to book in advance because sometimes we run out of golf carts and this way the cart will be waiting for you.To reserve a cart is super easy, just provide us your name, cruiseship name (not cruiseship line), arrival date and golf cart size, we will send you a confirmation (if you dont receive it then reservation is not finished yet) and detailed instructions to get with us at PORT PARKING LOT because the WHITE shirts port GOLF CARTS are strategically placed next to OUR STAND to pretend to be us(their prices are higher than ours), LOOK for the Red Shirts Golf Carts Kike and Eddie, please dont confuse us with the Green shirts, they will tell you we work together and that is not true . True locals Do appreciate your support for promoting our little village !!!NO PREPAYMENT REQUIRED TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATION, you pay total cash upon arrival, as you are trusting us, We will Do the same. Once you arrive with us we do the check in with your reservation name and then we provide your cart (could take 10-15min because port only allows us to have 2 carts at the same time in the port parking lot).Information video:https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=AbKhtg9if50https://youtu.be/wX8fCX1RBaUIf you preffer to do Mayan Ruins, Bacalar Lagoon or any other activity no golf cart/beach related, We can recommend you our friend Aaron, he is a local guy who also hire only locals services to provide you nice tours and help locals economy too.
  5. Thank you! They *just* sent me an email that had that very video attached to it.
  6. I recall seeing beluga whales on two occasions from the ship - both were further west than Royal Caribbean goes (that trip was on another cruise line that goes to Anchorage/Homer/Kodiak). Seals were everywhere around the glaciers! They were fun to watch while glacier watching. I was also surprised at how chilly it was there in June - definitely take your fleece!!!! (also, take that with a grain of salt - I live in AZ, hahahaha!)
  7. I specifically remember that when we were coming back from the dog sledding excursion in Skagway, we saw bears somewhere between the sled dog camp and the edge of town. I know they're not very far apart either, but there were a couple of bears just lumbering near the road and we were so excited to see them. I was just reading an article that said that the most expensive round trip airfares were out of Anchorage. If I find it, I'll link it here. The least expensive were out of a smaller airport near Tampa I believe. My favorite Alaska souvenir that I still use are salad tossing tongs made of wood that are in the shape of a moose's head. The antlers are the tossers! Super cute.
  8. I'll be very honest - it feels like you're looking for a loophole and validation for it. If you're going to have 5, reserve a room for 5. Period. Don't gamble with a 4-person guarantee room when it may blow up against your traveling party. Yes, it costs more, but ensuring that you have room for 5 is better than not.
  9. Thank you so much! So glad to hear about parking availability. My 14 year old would like to know if driving the golf cart is possible or if you must have a driver's license?
  10. Different port (probably), but when I checked in at Long Beach, they had a list of all suite and The Key guests to double check against.
  11. I found this here: https://eatsleepcruise.com/just-revealed-brand-new-royal-caribbean-bar-menu/ There's also this: https://tarynstastingtable.com/2021/05/13/cool-as-a-cucumber-cocktail/
  12. Does anyone have any experience with renting a golf cart to drive around in Costa Maya? I see Red Shirt Golf Cart Rentals recommended on a few cruise review sites, and I'm curious about the logistics of having a cart in the port area/nearby town. The biggest question: is parking easy to find if we want to stop somewhere? Anyone that has done this, please comment and I'd sincerely appreciate it!
  13. Yes, true - if you buy drinks outside the drink package, you pay 18% gratuity on each drink. Yikes!
  14. It's hard to say. I did the math on my last cruise and needed to have 4 mocktails per day to make the beverage package worth it. I did it, but I can't say I enjoyed it on the last day - I was just drinking to get my money's worth. If you think you can do at least 4-5 drinks of any sort a day (soda, juice, mocktails, bottled water, etc.), then yes, totally worth it. If you're on the fence about 4-5 per day, you might consider just paying by the drink. $460 for 7 days = ~$67 per day. I'm assuming this must be for two people, which makes more sense with the refreshment package. So, roughly $33 per day per person for the drink package. Soda = $4, bottled water = $3.50, juice = $3.50?, mocktails = $7-12. See if it works out for you.
  15. Oh, and as @Ticcasaid, you don't necessarily need the bottled water if you have the refreshment package - bottled water is included with it. What I have done in the past is get a drink and a bottle of water every time I get a drink. Then, stockpile in your room. I'd sometimes end up with 8-10 bottles of water by the time I really needed to have one! Save your $$ on the bottled water separately and just get it via the refreshment package.
  16. Yes! When you're in the cruise planner, just click on your initials in the upper right corner, then "Order History," then the "View Details" in blue, and then you can modify and/or cancel. It will then refund back to your original form of payment. This can only be done up to 48 hours before your cruise, but it's available 24/7 prior to that. (side note - I only see the "modify" option available on shore excursions, just FYI)
  17. The cheapest I have seen it is $27.99 for several months now. The best deal I've seen was on Black Friday, but of course that's not going to be around for a while. Based on the way everything is going, I would recommend go ahead and book the price now and then cancel later if you decide that that's what you want to do. I would hate for you to wait longer and then end up having to pay even more. You're definitely going to get the better price now versus on board.
  18. I think I read on here that when Independence came back from her dry dock, Fish & Ships now had complimentary items (though some still needed to be purchased). I'm thrilled by this - definitely looking forward to it!
  19. Breakfast is only available on Oasis-class ships at Johnny Rockets, so Voyager will only be open for lunch and into the early evening. The milkshakes are covered by the refreshment package AND the DBP.
  20. I have stayed in both Long Beach and by LAX. In Long Beach, we did the Hyatt Centric. Clean, comfortable, great rooftop pool, right by a big shopping/restaurant area, and a 12 minute Lyft drive to the port ($25?). Took a Lyft from LAX to the hotel upon arrival ~$70. In LAX, I stayed at the Hyatt House right by LAX. Free shuttle to the hotel, free breakfast, and then I went back over to LAX in the morning to take the RC shuttle. Convenient, easy, and $35 one way. If I had to choose, I would recommend Long Beach. Quieter, more beautiful, and quick to get over to the port.
  21. I use MEI as well and have Brock Taylor. Definitely recommended.
  22. I'm surprised at your check-in experience - I was amazed in October 2022 and January 2023 how quick, efficient, and nice the process was. Maybe because I got there at 10:00-10:30? Love so many of the things you mentioned. Darla is terrific. Her family was sailing in January when I was aboard and kept telling everyone to go hear her. I also adored the iSkate show!
  23. Interesting, as my kiddos didn't have a welcome letter for any benefits for our last sailing. Now they're excited for the next one! Did you see the video for the youngest Pinnacle member ever, @twangster? I immediately thought of you - "it's kid Twangster!" At around ~100 cruise days every year of his life, it's stunning he's achieved that status already.
  24. https://www.royalcaribbean.com/faq/questions/food-drink-onboard-policy
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