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Everything posted by SweetPea

  1. No, in Matt's link to his article on this, he links to the CC thread where the TA states where each ship should be. If you read a page or two further in the CC thread Matt references, you will see talk of Lelepa there.
  2. I perused that CC thread and had to look up Lelepa. Wow! I admit, i didn't see the market for that in that area but looks amazing.
  3. Thanks for the update! I know many will be disappointed. And i do feel bad for those who vied for that time, but I'm sure 11am is really 10:30 for most anyway in that I'm guessing that Royal will under promise and over deliver about 75% of the time.
  4. You mean like his real name is Kyle but she's been calling him Karl? More importantly, does he mind? Or has he tried to correct her? And also, what are the odds their Zoom friendship continues after this cruise? My hugest pet peeve. How can a ship that large have its last seating at 9pm? That makes sense on Planet Watermelon, i guess. The beauty of drinking on a ship. Stumble, and it's simply "ship shift!" Batman, Zuiderdam March 2003
  5. I have no words. Thankfully you and brother are close!
  6. I found my sea pass card. My status was next to my lifeboat station. (It really says Gold, which sounds classy for 3 RC cruises in 15 years)
  7. With 8 more Sky Class rooms, i wonder if the number of Pinnacles allowed in the Suite Lounge will be further restricted? Is priority for CK dinner Sky-Pinnacle-Sea? If that's right, that bumps Pinnacle and Sea a bit downward as well. At least the way i read it?
  8. I mean, do you know what the group is? They don't sound business related, like a group of accountants. I think we've established they're not a sewing group. Maybe Tupperware or Amway? We were stuck on a Holland America cruise once with a ballroom dancing group. Every night they would close off the dance floor in the Crow's Nest and no one else could dance. I made a point to go every night just to watch the ensuing drama as interlopers attempted to dance and they'd be promptly escorted off the floor, often aggressively, by the group leader, who looked like Big Bird if Big Bird had fire engine red hair. When people would protest, her catch phrase was, " i bid you good night!" It was hours of entertainment on an otherwise boring ship. We were doing a B2B which was also billed as a 14 night, and the amount of people at guest services complaining and asking if they were on the 2nd leg was also highly amusing. I was sorta bummed they only booked the 7 night. Ewwwwwwwwwww. But, that goat cheese salad .... yum! And I'm glad you found your card!
  9. I'm sorry, this is uncomfortable! And i totally get it! Batman's dad is Super Southern Baptist. When we went on a family cruise in 2017, we told him he was on his own for pre-dinner prayers. They simply go on way too long and would disrupt service. We accommodate at home, but not in public restaurants. Oddly, his quiet prayers to himself lasted maybe 15 seconds. If only he could do the same out loud. I don't think you missed it, or we both did, because i was just going to ask the same! But I'm guessing it's not the sewing club as i was hoping.
  10. We missed PSB, but Lety told us not to stand in line. We were to let her know if we decided to eat there because she had special procedures for us to follow. Now i know! Based on what you said, I'm sorta glad we didn't! I'd have been uncomfortable too!
  11. Listen i know we're unfrugal idiots, but booking a suite is by necessity.... the secret to our happy marriage = separate bathrooms, or at the very least separate toilets! Can mom maybe use the spa bathroom for the sake of her roomies? Don't answer that. I heard it as soon as i said it. You know i feel your pain! But we appreciate your dedication!!
  12. I would support this in that my 3 experiences being a suite guest sailing in Sept x2 and early May, pins tend to take over the suite lounge and camp out there during HH. I've told Royal 3x now that this cheapens their suite experience, but clearly they don't see it that way. I don't begrudge pins their due benefits, but combining suite perks and loyalty perks waters down the perk for everyone. I'm not sure what the cutoff is (I've heard 30? 50?) for there to be too many pins onboard to have them not use the lounge, but even 30 can overwhelm an Oasis suite lounge. Of course you never know which pins are in suites and which aren't, but sitting in large circles all wearing their pins and acting like they're holding court isn't great optics, especially for a first time suite guest who just wants to enjoy a single cocktail before heading for dinner. Our last cruise on Oasis is sending us back to the Haven where (novel concept), you have to book the Haven to use the Haven.
  13. I feel like we need a recap on room sharing arrangements ... if mom is over New Vintage AND Blind Gent AND they are sharing a room ... i can't even! Are blind gent and new vintage gelling?
  14. I rue the day any of you ever meet Batman in person. Just remember. When we get divorced I'm coming to live with whoever outs me! @saxyjdj, we are not of the 10/10:30am club. We tend to arrive around noon because we don't enjoy feeling homeless until rooms are ready. I know this doesn't apply to everyone, but in Star Class, your Genie will have your key cards and give them to you when he/she escorts you on the ship.
  15. Much better than us ... we'd have had to set our drinks on the stage!
  16. Oh i can't wait!! Genuinely curious if you have the same experience.
  17. I hear you. We bid on vacation, and need our vacation weeks together, so we tend to cruise during shoulder season, because it's easier to get that time off together. I never went to the loyalty meeting to see how many of each level were on our cruise, but we had a healthy contingent of Pins on our Sept sailing. The lounge was pretty packed during Happy hour and there was an abundance of pins. Of course, it's impossible to tell how many of those Pins were in suites. I just kept thinking that if Ambassadors (Norwegian's Pinnacle equivalent) took over the Haven that way ... I'd pay for a front row seat to that show!
  18. This is just me, but I'm wondering with the change to Crown Lounge if they will encourage Pinnacles there instead of the suite lounge? I know SL access is limited when there are too many Pinnacles onboard already, but i definitely noticed a dichotomy on our cruise. The pins all stuck together and formed large, loud circles in the SL.
  19. The Lounge offerings look to be the same as the suite lounge offerings. Nice.
  20. We enjoyed the Illusionist. Seems SC seating is the front row for that show so if you want to sit back further, advise Alan.
  21. OMG, this is nuts! Are you reporting him? First, it wasn't even noon. Second, who volunteers he has a sexual assault complaint? And are we taking bets on what the 900 matching shirts group is? I'm going with a sewing club. At least that's what I'm hoping for, for your sake, say as opposed to some kind of swingers club ....
  22. Impressive! I think karma at the casino is in your future! Wishing you godspeed!
  23. Agree, we skipped it all together. Our Genie told us the show used to be 3 hours, but no one stayed after intermission. But even if one person stayed, they had to finish the show! I figured you would have a hard time getting a seat at Playmakers today with Sunday football on. I'm actually looking forward to sailing on Symphony on a Friday so we have a better shot at getting a seat! Monday night was helpless as well.
  24. But is she now a convert from Carnival?
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