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Everything posted by Cactus527

  1. I just saw your brother's name. I LOVE it! What a great way to uniquely spell a more common name. Mine is the same - regular name, unique spelling. I wonder if he gets tired of saying "[Name] with a [letter]" like I do...
  2. Is that a 45 in there? If so, I'm wondering what the significance is.
  3. I HAVE MINE PACKED!!!! Love that thing. My kiddos just got a whole slate of stickers of things with butts/in butt shapes for Christmas (thanks, Santa). Like a toaster in a butt shape, or a marshmallow, or even a laptop. Magnets like those would be awesome to stick on your door.
  4. LMAO now I'm picturing all the A boarding group as Marines getting ready for a sortie. I used to have that anxiety with my kiddos once we got past age 6 too; however, we're also more comfortable toward the back of the plane. There's ALWAYS seats toward the back of the plane. As long as we can score something B30 or earlier, it's always fine.
  5. I feel like you need to be warming up to sing with your barbershop quartet with this shirt. Just add a straw hat!
  6. In your photo of the casita, the orange round barrel thing is actually the cooler. You pull the top off and all of the water and other things that you want to put in there to stay chill would go there. There's also a button on one of the posts that you can push and it will call somebody from the pool bar area to come over and assist you. That's if they're paying attention to it. *shrug*
  7. I always love seeing people take advantage of simple pleasures that are 100% legal, easy, and enjoyed by many people.
  8. SACRILEGE! How dare you forgo the cave suite!
  9. Not too shabby for a solo traveler. I can definitely get my desired aisle seats! It's always a miracle when I can actually score the A boarding group. Let the cattle call commence!!!!!!
  10. Suitcases packed! Now to just fit a few last-minute items in tomorrow morning. Now awaiting check-in time for Southwest...
  11. ....aaaaaand I totally read this as Patron the alcohol.
  12. I did a casita on a port day and regretted it. I'm glad I only paid $150 for it. There were open seats all around until about 2pm, then it was packed in until 5pm (the end time for those casitas). I wish I hadn't done that. The service was mediocre too (this was on Freedom). One thing that REALLY bothered me in the afternoon was that all the college students on spring break kept putting their dirty dishes and glasses on my tables in the casita. WHAT. Idiots. However, on a sea day, if you're going to maximize your time out there, it might make a lot more sense to have that space. I'm with you though on the cost - if it was $150 like I paid, I'd say go for it. $350 definitely would give me pause as to whether I could use it better elsewhere!
  13. I literally went "ooo, shiny pants....OMG LIQUID SOAP!" and laughed loud enough to startle my dogs. You look amazing!
  14. I *LOVE* that there are new ship options coming to the West Coast. I've got Quantum booked in April 2026 at this point (had to change my Ovation one in September this year), but...OPTIONS!!!! It's glorious. Now if only they could add some more interesting ports!
  15. There's something wrong with that woman... I get being proud of what you've done, but using it as a weapon of selfishness? Sorry, no can do. Ugh.
  16. More mother shenanigans might be in store if you do this!
  17. 3 DAYS TO GO!!!!!! I actually packed up a majority of my stuff last night, now I just have the nicer stuff that I don't want to get wrinkled and things I'm still using to do on Wednesday/Thursday. All the emails have started coming in, so the excitement is definitely building. Now it's just a game of What Have I Forgotten? So far it is water bottle, liquid detergent, and yoga mat...
  18. I love Indy and I love the JS on there. I think I had one on Deck 9 on the bump out starboard - it was absolutely delightful. Excited for you and your family to thaw on this cruise!
  19. I would definitely have a talk with guest services about this. That's kind of unacceptable!
  20. I'm curious- how were the temperatures in Cabo today?
  21. Oh, and the theme nights for the 3-nighter appear to be: Day 1 - Casual Day 2 - Formal Day 3 - Tropical 70s Disco Inferno party is the night of Day 3. Another funny I saw in the planner - they're still doing a holiday movie! The Santa Clause is being shown on the pool deck. So, on tropical night, you can go to the pool and enjoy a snowy holiday classic with Tim Allen.
  22. Looking through the schedule right now for my 3-day, there's some new things that I haven't seen before as well as things at times that are kind of ludicrous. I've never seen this before on any of my cruises. Maybe because there are so many newbies cruising nowadays? Could be interesting, I may pop by just to see what they are talking about. This just sounds dangerous. I'm clumsy as it is, so this could be a recipe for disaster. Later on. In the description, it says no alcohol. Obviously. This has to be a mistake in terms of what time the show starts. The previous show starts at 7:00 p.m. I would suspect that the second show is actually supposed to be around 9:00 p.m., yet here we are at midnight...on the last night of the cruise! I have no idea if this is actually the normal time for crazy quest, but it seems rather late to me. #old
  23. I had pictures of my water bottles that I got on Allure in one of his articles! Definitely felt famous.
  24. 4 days and 7 days to go until cruising, 3 days until travel. In completely non-cruise related news, the book review I wrote was published and distributed today! I think it's the 3rd or 4th one I've written for this professional magazine, but it gives me a thrill every single time to see my name in print. So, that's my celebration for the day. Maybe someday I'll write something that gets published and it's more than 600 words.
  25. I get having work stuff and traveling for it - it takes a lot of energy and concentration. I love that Away shipped you a new carryon! Monos did that for me this fall and I was so pleased that they honored their warranty - so used to being screwed over. This is going to be a fun cruise! Like others, I've been considering Celebrity as well but haven't been willing to bit the bullet yet until I make Diamond status at RC. We'll see where it takes me in a few years. We've got a Princess cruise booked to Alaska this summer too, so...maybe that way? Who knows. Pneumonia. Blech. Everyone seems to have The Crud right now. Keeping my fingers crossed everyone recovers nicely!
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