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About Lexster

  • Birthday March 8

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    Northern KY

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  1. Thanks! I didn't want to ask but it's hard to get specific info like that right now.
  2. So, I feel awful asking about this because I know tons of people are dealing with things way worse than me, but I'm going to Miami in two weeks to get on Icon and driving down from Kentucky. Anyone know if will things be safe and okay if I'm taking the Florida Turnpike assuming yet another hurricane doesn't hit?
  3. I'm on Icon at the end of October...man, between this and hurricanes I'm stressing out that I might not get the cruise I've been planning for a year.
  4. I'm pretty sure that stuff doesn't open up until like 3 weeks beforehand, if it's even going to be available. UDATE: Incorrect, I just went in and was able to reserve things, so try again!
  5. I thought about doing that for a casita, but ended up not going for it since no one else was in this thread yet. Wouldn't mind grabbing one for Roatan port day since we're not really going out to port that day.
  6. It's weird, I've had both of my cruises now send me an email about needing coast guard inspection and to arrive a couple hours later, but both times I was already going to the port and there was no delay whatsoever getting on the ship.
  7. Okay, but why does it make zero sense? I've seen plenty of people say this, but no one has said why. If I bring peso, I would intend to spend them, so I don't see myself coming back with them.
  8. I know this has been asked before, but I'm going to Mexico, Costa Maya, Honduras, and Cozumel. I know these places accept dollars, but, does it make sense to get a couple hundred dollars worth of pesos to bring with me? Right now the exchange rate is 18 pesos per $1, so wouldn't pesos go a bit further and then I wouldn't get screwed by the exchange rates the store might give?
  9. Wondering if anyone else is going on this cruise who might be interested in doing a casita. We're not currently planning on going anywhere for Roatan. Thought it might be fun to do a casita since port days are cheaper. There are three of us, so it'd be a lot of wasted space with just us.
  10. That's not what he was saying, but yes I let myself get upset over something stupid. Shouldn't have said that. I'm not going to comment further.
  11. Hopefully you'll have an early check-in then. Not hard to get!
  12. Yep, I always get an early check-in time since I check-in at midnight the night it opens. It's not that hard. If you want to show up early, get an early time. Otherwise, follow the damn check-in times.
  13. They already have masses of people standing around. And the "last minute emails" don't work because they DON'T have strict adherence to the boarding times and everyone knows it. It would only take a month of them turning away people until it's their boarding time for people to get the message. Otherwise, don't bother having check-in times because it just means people who actually show up at the right time get pissed off because certain people think they're more important than everyone else.
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