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Extra petite

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Pre-Gold (1/7)



  1. Do you get the discount if you book online in advance? The price is the same no matter what day I select. Does it only apply if book on first day once onboard?
  2. Just for anyone that might be interested - our coordinator said that we couldn't prepay for photos only. We'd have to pay the more expensive price once onboard if we wanted extra photos.
  3. Hi, I have heard that sometimes there are discounts on the speciality restaurants once onboard the ship. Is this true for every cruise? Do they have system e.g. Discounts are offered on chops on the first night, giovanni discounts are always on night 3, or is it random?
  4. Oh wow! I had no idea the podcasts were there. I will get listening! :)
  5. thanks floatme! Sorry for the late response, I thought I would get a notification if someone replied but I didn't! Your selection sheet is a lot more informative than mine. Mine doesn't have the prices at the bottom of the photography page that shows prices onboard. Thanks for attaching it. I haven't opted for cake because I'm the only that likes cake and I don't think I could eat it on my own! :( it'll end up going to waste.
  6. Thanks everyone for your input. It has been very helpful :) I think I will stick to one hour and maybe pre pay for extra photos. Aussiecoasterking and Matt - what show are you referring to?? I've also never cruised before either so all this is new to me!
  7. Hi floatme, did you think one hour was enough for photos? Were you given an option to prepay for photos only? I have only been given an option for 1 hour additional photography and 20 extra photos. The extra one hour is what I'm not sure about. I don't know if we'll need an extra hour. We are getting married on oasis and have never cruised before....Any advice would be much appreciated, thanks!
  8. Hi, is anyone able to offer advice on photography packages? I am getting married next month on oasis and not sure whether to upgrade the photography package. We are a small party, under 15 of us. Will one hour be enough for photos? I would like group shots after the ceremony and I would like photos in the different neighbourhoods of ship. Did you like your photos? I've read that they can be hit or miss. Any insights would be much appreciated. Thanks!
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