Friday Photos

20 Sep 2013

We love to share the amazing Royal Caribbean photos our readers have sent us each and every week for Friday Photos.  Basically, it's a showcase of the best Royal Caribbean photos from our readers and this week's batch looks to be the best yet.

If you have photos that you would like included in an upcoming Friday Photos blog post, then please send us your best Royal Caribbean photos!

First up is a photo from Shawn Holmes and it was taken on the Explorer of the Seas while he was watching the bellyflop contest.  Watch out below!

Harry Yerikyan sent us this photo of the Oasis of the Seas' name and I suddenly wish I was onboard Oasis to see this for myself.  That and the seven night cruise that comes with it!

Speaking of Oasis of the Seas, this photo from Travis Rogers says "WOW" because it's from above the Aqua Theater.  Why can't my photos come out this cool?  Travis did say he managed to get this shot from the back of Deck 15 (sports deck) looking down on the Aqua Theater on Deck 6.

Jill Snyder sent us this photo from Allure of the Seas of the Royal Caribbean sign on the back of the ship.  Love this view!

Next up is a photo from Mark DePrimo and he sent in this photo from Explorer of the Seas docked in Bermuda on ‎Tuesday, ‎October ‎27, ‎2009, ‏‎5:27:00 AM. He says he likes to get up early and walk around the ship taking pictures. It's the only time you can get shots without a lot of passengers around.

Bryce J. Griffler sent us this gorgeous photo of Alaska from his cruise there in 2013.  Really cool shot!

Last up is a photo from Matt who said he surprised his wife with an upgrade to a Crown Loft Suite on Allure for their 5 year anniversary on 8/18/13.  Husband of the year material right here!

Thank you to everyone who sent in their photos this week. Have a great weekend and be sure to send us your photos so we can post them next week by using this form.

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