Market21, a leading advisory firm in the use of advanced marketing tools, ranks Royal Caribbean first in the use of advanced marketing among American cruise lines.
Royal Caribbean won on overall strength of performance. Some other lines were leaders in specific areas, but Royal Caribbean posted a strong across the board performance. They will have to remain on guard to keep up with competitors moving ahead with innovations such as: Norwegian, Crystal, and Disney.
Market21 used the Cruise Line Marketing Review, which measures 12 domestic lines against 18 criteria to determine how well they were performing using the current technologies, and how well they are prepared to move up to the newer technologies as they develop.
The report shows the strengths and weaknesses of the individual lines and the opportunities that are possible for both the individual lines and the industry as a whole. Reaching out to the customer in the manner in which they expect/desire to be addressed is important for current customers and to expand the customer base.