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  1. Hello all! I have a question that I think others may possibly have as well, so I'm going to post it. When I sailed on Freedom of the Seas last November, they had a policy that if you could not load yourself onto the Flowrider without assistance you could only do the boogie boarding on the flowrider and not the stand up surfing. I personally am not that great at loading me on my own, and when I did the Flowrider on some of the other ships like Oasis, Harmony and Symphony, the crew members helped me load onto the Flowrider so I could do the stand up surfing. I'm going on Allure in October, and am wondering if they have the same policy that Freedom did. I've looked at Cruise Compasses from the sailing I did on Freedom, and it stated that guests had to do the Boogie Boarding before doing standup surfing, but the cruise compasses I've seen for Allure don't say this. Can anyone advise as to whether or not they are requiring guests be able to load themselves onto the Flowrider to do stand up surfing?
  2. Here's an interesting question! It does say in the terms and conditions of the rewards (I'm looking at doing the $100 OBC): "This reward applies to new individual bookings booked with Royal Caribbean's Casino Royale Reservation Center at 855-284-7463 Monday-Friday 8AM to 10PM EST and Saturday-Sunday 9AM to 5:30PM EST or contract your professional Travel Advisor and is subject to verification." I've bolded and underlined this to point out what I am focusing on. If this is the case, should that not mean that my travel agent should be able to get the $100 OBC added to my booking, even though I went through them and not Casino Royale as long as I am within 30 days of booking?
  3. That date is open for me, I'll currently place it on my calendar. I'm more than willing to drive from DFW to Austin for this. :-) Future Cruises: Liberty of the Seas, October 8-15, 2017; Symphony of the Seas Transatlantic, October 26-November 9. 2018
  4. Not sure if this will bump the topic to the top, but I'm thinking of doing this on an October voyage on Liberty and would like to find out what others think of the Ride N Swim Excursion.
  5. My partner (almost Diamond) and I (Halfway from Platinum to Emerald) live in Dallas. Would definately enjoy meeting other people who love RCCL! (I've tried a few other cruise lines, with a couple on my list of "I at least want to try it" cruise lines.....so far, Royal is my *favorite*, so much that I'm going on Liberty in October, Symphony next October. My partner found a deal on Jewel in November, and I'm really hating not being able to go (because of work).
  6. Thank you greatly for the information. It'll save me from being embarrassed when I go to dinner! I will probably add a sleeveless button-up shirt to the attire for dinner and go without for other festivities.
  7. Howdy! I have been listening to the podcast for a while, and decided to post a question involving going on the Transatlantic cruise (in less than two weeks!) from Barcelona to Fort Lauderdale. I've read here that it's known that they do costume contests and parties, and I have heard rumors that that on some ships, they have even let passengers wear costumes to dinner in the main dining room. Not sure if that rumor was true or not, but it does lead me to my question. Now, the question I have does directly involve me, but there's nothing that says this can't help someone else in the future! What I plan to be doing is a minotaur, a character I do at several renaissance festivals in Texas and Arkansas. As a point of information to help with hopefully answering the questions I have, the costume consists of faux fur leggings, hoof overlays for boots, and a mask. The costume does not include any upper body attire (when I do the character at renaissance festivals, I do add some armor, but that will be a bit too much for luggage on the flight to Barcelona, so I have to do without.). The question is this: Presuming they allow costumes in the main dining room on Halloween, I would presume that my particular outfit won't be quite suitable unless I add a shirt to the costume (not really a problem, I can wear a sleeveless button-up shirt that would work well with the outfit if I had to.). Out of the complimentary resturaunts on the ship, which ones (if any) might be more conducive to me enjoying a meal in the costume without needing to add a shirt, or being able to get by with adding an open leather vest? Thanks greatly in advance! Looking forward to the cruise!
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