Some complain effects of cruises to Falmouth not felt yet

04 Apr 2011

There's been about seven cruise ships to stop in the brand new Falmouth, Jamaica port so far and while the port's opening has been the subject of much praise and celebration, some locals in the port town are complaining that the economic benefit they were expecting has not been felt yet.

Trelawny Chamber of Commerce President Richard Bourke says some people in the business community have complained about the cruise ship effects, "I am getting both positive and negative reactions. The craft vendors are reporting increased business, while the wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, and law offices in Water Square are complaining that the traffic restrictions in the square have severely disrupted their businesses."

In addition, Bourke is critical of how basic services in Falmouth have been prioritized. Specifically, the transportation center that hasn't been bult yet, the unfinished police station, and the new market that were supposed to be completed from last year are all areas that need to be addressed.

In response to these complaints, Godfrey Dyer, Chairman of the Tourism Enhancement Fund, said improvements in Water Square should be finished by the end of this month.

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