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Everything posted by Cactus527

  1. In other news, I've always thought Navigator has the world's smallest boleros. Where are people supposed to dance? Though having windows is nice. It's on Deck 4 midship, across the way from Starbucks, just before entering/exiting the casino.
  2. Went to the casino to use my free play. I swear, every other time I go, I use my free play and probably win about $1-2. Today, I had $8 in free play. I ended up winning $8.50. Played it all, but I was surprised that it went so well. My strategy is to find an empty machine, make sure there's no smokers around, and go through my free play.
  3. Breakfast in the MDR. Danishes, croissant, oatmeal, omelet, and some juice. The nutrition influencer can kiss my butt.
  4. Random observations from the evening/morning: The Promenade is really hopping after 8pm. I've never spent time there at that hour - it was kind of fun. I ordered the buffalo crunch rolls to go at Playmakers. The waiter asked buffalo? I said yes, to go. He said I don't think so. I was like , why? He said I don't think you can get an entire buffalo back up to your cabin. It was a good laugh. There is someone in the cabin next to me that snores. Loudly. Hope he's solo cruising, lol. The people on my other side are on a birthday cruise with friends. The friends keep coming to pound on the door, yell, sing random stuff, and the scream (happily) in the cabin. Headache. Ear plugs when they came back at 12am did the trick. I constantly have the bridge view on TV in my cabin. Anyone else? I'm currently having breakfast in the MDR. This place is busy, but it's nice to sit down and be served. Someone near me is apparently a nutrition influencer - please stop talking so I can just enjoy my 50000 calorie breakfast.
  5. Good morning! Day 2 = Sea Day. The weather is beautiful somewhere here in the Pacific. Also, at 7am, there were ZERO chair hogs. There was, however, a man in a wife beater in the hot tub. That hot tub was hopping!
  6. I have not yet, and I'm looking forward to getting on one in April 2026. If there's anything I learned in graduate school, it's how to do research and overdo it well.
  7. I'll admit: at first, when I initially booked this cruise, I had an interior room on Deck 11 Forward. Then, when I realized it was almost directly beneath the mini golf/spa area, I found this room. I'm thinking mine might be a little bit quieter than the one on deck 11!
  8. Taking full advantage of the UDP, I hit Playmakers this evening for a campfire cookie (there) and the buffalo crunch rolls (to go). @AshleyDillo your recommendation of the buffalo crunch rolls is amazing- they were so freaking good. I was already full, but they were so good I had to eat them all. The campfire cookie was also extremely good! First time someone has ever served me milk in a shot glass. Pro tip- mix the buffalo sauce and ranch together.
  9. My cave suite. I chose this one because it was added on to Navigator when they did the amplification. I believe this space used to be the Cyber Cafe/ RC Online. They added these four interior rooms, and they are all much newer and fresher than other interiors I've stayed in on this ship. It's lighter, brighter, has a few nicer touches, and just generally gives me the feel of an Oasis class ship versus a Voyager class. One other bonus: this is the one I get to stay in for the entire 7 days I'm on this ship! The couch has this very nice soft velvety touch to it. You know it's been updated when there's actually USB outlets in the wall. Too bad there's still nothing behind the bed. This is actually one disappointment I have with the room. There are no shelves inside the closet area, so this is what I have to work with for clothing that does not need to be hung up. This closet also feels a lot narrower than other interior cabins I've had on this ship. Look, it's one of those rooms that needs to have the card in it in order for the air to continue flowing! I swapped it out right after this for a different card. Ooo, check out the different colored backsplash... MUCH better storage than that f*ing mirror/vanity. The sink feels bigger. The shower actually has a footy thing like on Oasis class ships! I think I can honestly say it's one of my favorite things about an Oasis class ship. I've also never seen these markings on the shower thingamabobbers before, on this ship or any other. To me, that's interesting. Thus ends the tour of my cave suite. Please note: THIS IS NOT HOW ALL INTERIOR ROOMS ON NAVIGATOR LOOK. This is definitely upgraded! I put some magnets on the door, but I will be swapping them out daily because I have quite a few more. I stuck all the extras on the back of the door.
  10. Dinner was Izumi tonight. 5:30 reservation - seated at 5:25, ordered at 5:35, aaaall the food at 5:55, and out the door at 6:15. Miso soup, pork gyoza dumplings, vegetable sushi rolls, spicy miso ramen, and chocolate lava cake. Please ensure you have a towel nearby to wipe up your drool. Izumi on Navigator is on Deck 14 aft, immediately next to the Cosmopolitan Lounge. SUCH pretty views. Menu Miso soup Pork gyoza dumplings. It was an interesting fruity/soy sauce on the side. I was amused at how someone had cut this lemon. It's like it had a fancy hat on. "Hello, I'm *proper* sour." *shows off fancy-cut seed* Spicy miso ramen with chicken. Vegetable sushi rolls. Thank goodness I took a closer look - I found avocado in them and had to pull them out. (intolerance) Chocolate lava cake. The addition of macha powder on the side gave it an interesting flavor combo. I love the location of this restaurant. It's beautiful, but I think its location also makes it more prone to feeling the motion of the ocean. The whole place was vibrating throughout dinner. It was fairly full but definitely could have taken walk ins. I'll be back again on Day 3 dinner (I think that's the day I have).
  11. Look who I just saw in the elevator!
  12. I just sat down in a chair in the Star Lounge and almost screamed. I SWEAR I sank down about 2 feet! My elbows are by my ears... Attending the spa raffle for something to do while I await luggage delivery.
  13. Got my first Shirley ginger. It's definitely cruise time.
  14. Am at the first-time cruisers event at the Schooner Bar. It's not packed, but it's filled. This is REALLY helpful for someone that doesn't read/watch RCB, doesn't know how the app works, doesn't know where anything is, or needs to be assured of Royal's flexibility. The lady even said to check with Guest Services after 5pm to see if there may be some empty rooms available to upgrade to... I think it's a good session Royal has decided to add on board - I've never seen this on Navigator or any other ship as yet
  15. Random observation: I saw these people board with their service animal, and now I've seen them about three times around the ship. This dog is so chill, very well trained, and doesn't bat an eye to pool deck shenanigans. Well done, doggo! (It's a black lab for those interested. I wonder where it potties on board?) EDIT: Found it. Deck 4 aft starboard side.
  16. Johnny Rockets! Just FYI, you cannot get the shakes with the UDP apparently. Weird. Since I have the refreshment package, it was no big deal, but I thought I'd mention it.
  17. Hello, gorgeous! Curb drop off is always a giant mess here. Today was no different. My Uber driver had to try 3 different places before traffic let him stop, and it was RIDICULOUSLY not busy Here's where any other port is better: no giant tents for people to wait in before boarding time. Thankfully, I got to skip that since I had express boarding. Security went bananas with my many magnets. I had them specifically pulled because I knew it was going to look weird. The lady laughed and said "you've done this before!" Then, on to check in. I was told to sit and wait for the ship to be ready. Okay, it's 10:35am, whatever. I literally put my stuff down when someone came over and said quick! You 30 with me! And took us all to the suite/Key boarding area. AND LEFT US. The person there wouldn't let us on - she thought we were jumping the process. She scanned one person's boarding pass and saw that oh, okay, we're telling the truth, and then let us up. Oooo, you're HUGE! Also, arrived at 10:29am, on board by 10:43am. The longest part was security. Checked in at the muster station, wandered down the promenade to get my soda cup, and am now eating breakfast at Cafe Promenade (dang no included breakfast hotel). Off to JR for here in a minute.
  18. Luckily, early today = less cluster.
  19. This was one of my favorite memories from our honeymoon! $8 back in the day.
  20. Hyatt Regency Long Beach - some shots of the interior. This is a BIG hotel, as evidenced by two different conferences happening here right now. Check in area Main foyer You can kind of see down into the next level. No clue why this is in the lobby.
  21. OMG they are anal about this today. Just got this text.
  22. THIS IS THE BEST NAME EVER I feel a kinship to this lumpiness...
  23. I never leave home without it. In fact, we keep misplacing ours, so I think we have three of them!
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