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Everything posted by Irishlover

  1. We are still waiting on port tax and fees from 12nt April 4 cruise. I hope everyone gets refunded sooner than later. We have two more cruises booked and paid for a total of 4 rooms...RC has been great on phone and handling FCC. I wonder how much of the delay is related to holding In reserve cash for as long as they can before releasing it. This whole worldwide crisis is uncharted for companies of the modern era. Stay safe and God Bless.
  2. We are still waiting on port tax and fees from 12nt April 4 cruise. I hope everyone gets refunded sooner than later. We have two more cruises booked and paid for a total of 4 rooms...RC has been great on phone and handling FCC. I wonder how much of the delay is related to holding In reserve cash for as long as they can before releasing it. This whole worldwide crisis is uncharted for companies of the modern era. Stay safe and God Bless.
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