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Everything posted by isaywhateveryo

  1. Thanks! I'm not even on Royal Caribbean, so VOOM doesn't apply to me. But my cruise line also does not appear to have terms and conditions prohibiting this. Frankly, I'm not sure why they would -- you're getting only a single device's pipeline and splitting it. It's not like you're pulling additional bandwidth. It's the same thing as if you logged out on one device and logged in with another, except without the hassle (although it introduces other hassles such as mobility from your cabin with wi-fi). I don't want to do anything nefarious with it, rather I want to use it to get work emails on my phone but still surf the internet on my iPad. But obviously everyone will have to judge on their own whether they consider it appropriate legally and ethically.
  2. Can you tell us the best travel wifi router that includes a feature to clone a MAC address?
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