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Posts posted by CruiseQueen

  1. We did cruises with both of our kids at the 16 - 18 month mark. We did love the stroller around the ship. Often they fell asleep in the stroller, and off we went to Trivia or something else. Be prepared for afternoon naps. (Twist my arm!! ? During down times, sometimes we watched movies, sometimes we slept. 

    Grab cereal boxes at breakfast buffet for easy snacks. Ice cream breaks is a good way to break up the day and influence behavior (if we're not good, we can't have!).

    Bring easy, small toys. Both loved having their own mini backpack that they put special toys into. We often found quiet-ish places for our young one to run around and then play with play-dough. Lots of coloring. Our son at that age loved cars, and I always had a few in my pocket. During dinner, between courses we often took turns taking a walk outside of the dining room. Also used play station with headphones to watch a favorite movie. 

    Lots of wipes, lots of baggies to help keep snacks handy (and for yucky clothes), take LOTS of pics, and bring lots of flexibility and patience. But I can tell you we had a BLAST! So much so with our daughter at 17 mos, that we did it again when she was about 4 and our son was about 16 months. ENJOY! ?

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