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Stephen perry

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Pre-Gold (1/7)



  1. Explorer of the seas 9-6-2019 not impressed after 3days at sea having had drinks everyday we got a print out on bill nothing to pay, after 8days still no bill did we have an onboard credit that we did not know about well yes as when we checked again on day 10 we were told still no bill infact you have 44 dollars of your onboard credit left enjoy,so you can imagine our suprise when on day 12 we had a bill of 326.75 dollars? Sorry you told us we had no bill and had an onboard credit,No no ,not there fault the ships computor was to blame COMPLAINT1 Onboard FineDining food was as to be expected Staff were impecable pity about the tea and coffee , I am not a bloody navie, in the garden back home having done a hard days work l expect a mug of tea or coffee but at a fine dining venue not on your life there are some standards that cannot be lowered fine China Cups and Saucers Complaint 2. Itinary have the people who make this up ever visited these places I ask this question as most of the 3000 passengers were Pensioners with zimer frames ,wheel chairs motor scooters etc and yet 2 of the ports of call where up hill and I mean up hill infact in Sardinia there were no dropped kerbs so those who went ashore had to turn around and go back (not a complaint an observation) Now drinks rather expensive a bottle of bud 8.95 a case in UK 7quid for 12, even so still spent over 2200 dollars onboard with tips and gambling-back again I think not will stick to cunard.
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