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Posts posted by wstephensi

  1. 2 hours ago, Hutcherl said:

    Couldn’t wait to reach Diamond because I’d hoped the 3 free drinks would be enough to keep me from purchasing the drink package.  Well, after realizing the drink options are limited, I’m still buying it.  I could probably make it work for me but not much there for my wife.  Not sure if this matters to you but I didn’t realize it was such a limited list. 

    Now yo can buy your friends or family a drink.  I think that is what I'm going to do.


  2. Been booking adjoining rooms for years.  DD's get their space and bath and Mom and Dad get their's.  Most of the times with 4 it is way cheaper to get two rooms than one of the larger suites or family 2 room suites.  Now that the girls are older, our up coming cruise with adjoining rooms and balcony maybe our last.  Girls may find themselves in an interior across the hall to save money so Mom and Dad can upgrade.  Bring on the Grand Suite!

    We will have an adjoining JS and Ocean view cabin on Harmony in June.


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