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Everything posted by parker5

  1. I have downloaded the RCL app and logged in (with my RCL username and password) . In my family we have 3 different stateroom with a reservation # for each one. On my app I have access to all parties under my name with all three reservation #s. Question: Does each of the six members of my party log in on the app with my credentials? (So we would all be looking at the same thing) or does each individual create their own account on the app?
  2. When I get to the part where is says security photo. I click on "add photo", next is displays photo requirements, I select "Continue" and it takes me to a live camera view with a circle for face. Only other buttons on the screen are to take photo, or to change from front view to rear view of camera. Nowhere does it allow for library access on phone.
  3. Trying to check in on the mobile app and it is not allowing me to download a photo from my library. It only allows me to take a picture. Wouldn't be aproblem except that all in my party are not with me at the time.
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