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Posts posted by Beth

  1. Does anyone know the corect protocols...after all  every few days they are changing them per the news stations.  No i have no suits but am trained to properly attire but mistakes are made...per the nurses.  and their lack of knowledge given at the time.  Glad they are accepting flights only to 5 airports now cause this is NOT the flu, and although not spread in our country and many others does have the potential to be. Yes i do stock masks and other protective covering in my home...as i am sure many are doing just in case esp those in the medical field.  some knowledge equals not near enough in so many things in the healthcare industry.    Enjoy your cruises, i will be stopping mine for awhile .

  2. the lab worker knew he had handled specimens from case 1 that died and knowingly got on that cruise, the nurse of case1 knowingly got on that flight to ohio.  neither should have made that choice being in the medical field. I do plan on calling rccl, not waiting till a muster drill and anyone NOT informed of ebola would want the answers i want before cruising , suits are safe, safer and safest and everyship should be trained and have these on hand in case something happens , not that it will, but i dont want my family and friends exposed to something deadly that could be avoided by proper information given to the public say 30 days prior to their cuise...like the employees caring for us and where they came from last..  I love rccl and will continue to cruise but would like to know if safeguards are in place as any concerned person should be.

  3. Sars is NOT ebola and what is going on behind the scenes need to be made public, I too have taken many cruises but prefer not to be on one with workers having come from those affected countries....just my preference.   It takes one disobediant person not quarantining to cause a heap of trouble.

  4. Hi, i am a nurse with a cruise coming up at the end of november, i would lile to know what measures are being done to screen passengers before boarding for eboli as well as having cruised your line many times before i KNOW that the staff is from all over, including west africa contries affected by ebola.  Prior to this cruise when is employee transfers done from that countrys and those in contact with workers from that country and how are they screened?  the temperature thing does not cut it...advil and other drugs cut temps and or the workers could become down with a fever after boarding, also does any food come from these contries directly or indirectly or familys join their mates from these contries....I believe the shift changes and boarding of relatives/friends/food be dinied or that a 21 day quaranteen should be mandated in a specific medically monitored staff on the the ship before being allowed to serve or do any work on board as all are related to passenger safely and this is a serious situation.  Also are the ports secure.  Please do not answer with a generic response like   we are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of our passengers and crew,  WE travelers want answers not bullshit answers....our lives are on the line as well as yours.  Thank You, Beth Prater RN   bludreamer1@gmail. com   Also do you have the requied North shore LIJ suits traing and other personal protective equipment on board for 5000 plus passengers and crew and training in implementtion from the cdc  with proper protocol.

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